Multi-site search price comparison:
When searching for products on various websites, results from Joyo,, Taobao Mall, etc. are displayed at the same time, making it easier for you to compare multiple websites.
Accurate book price comparison:
When you visit a book page on Joyo, Dangdang,, Taobao, etc., the shopping assistant will display the price of the book in multiple online bookstores at the same time, making it easy to compare book prices.
"Shopping Assistant" has been reported and recommended by Sina, Tencent Technology, Xinhuanet, NetEase, Computer Home, Huajun Software Park, Guao, Chrome Fans and other media. Please note that there are no modifiers before or after the name. If you find software with similar names or similar interfaces, please notify us in time. Let us jointly resist all kinds of copycat and plagiarism.
it works
it works
it works