- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
Tools include
1.KMSAuto Net v1.4.9 is now the most commonly used kms activation tool#
2.KMSAuto Lite v1.3.1 is a streamlined version of 1
3.AAct Portable v3.2 is also a kms tool with a beautiful interface
4.Office 2013-2016 C2R Install v5.9.2 is the download tool for genuine Microsoft Office and also provides the kms activation function of office#
5.MSActBackUp Portable v1.1.0 kms activated backup tool
6.MSAct Plus v1.0.6 a kms tool for phone activation
7.Garbage Collector v1.3.4 x86_x64_15_12_2016? I have never used it and don’t know what it is used for. You can search it on Baidu.
8.KMSCleaner v1.5 Portable tool to clear kms activation information
9.PIDKey Lite v1.25 RU EN IR tool to detect whether the key is valid#
10.UniCrypt 2016 v2.2 This is a magical encryption software, you can customize the key, it is very fun
1, 4, and 9 are the three tools that I often use and they are very easy to use.
it works
it works
it works