- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
Change log
*.Optimized the interface
*.Added minimization function
*.Solved the unresponsive issue
*.Solve the problem of stuck knife not running smoothly
*.Auto F optimization is available for full time
*.Auto 2 optimized for full time available
*. Added F11 to open and pause the stuck knife
*.Added CXX function. The startup key is: C
*.Added Qigong Auto X
*. Added Qigong Auto Z
*. Perfectly compatible with XP and win7 32-bit systems
*.Optimized the problem of mouse stuck when opening and closing
How to use
Start the game first and then open the script (run in administrator mode on WIN7 32 64)
Set the key 9 0. The 9 0 above the letter is not the 9 0 on the small keyboard. Then customize the keys to choose the keys you like, click on your own skills (such as Lux Destruction and Bone Pin), and press and hold the trigger button you set. The knife is starting to jam.
it works
it works
it works