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Location: front page————Android software————application————Social chat ———— Message group


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Tencent Le Gu (or Tencent Pay)
Read_external_storage<访问外部存储> Access to external storage permissions
Access_wifi_St0ate<未知权限>Unknown authority
Access_network_State<获取网络状态> Obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Change_wifi_State<改变WiFi状态> Change the wifi state
Vibrate<使用振动> Allow vibration
Write_external_storage<写入外部存储> Allow programs to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Internet<访问网络> Access network connection, GPRS traffic may be generated
Camera<拍照权限> Allow access to the camera to take pictures
System_alert_window<显示系统窗口> Display system window
System_overlay_window<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_contacts<读取联系人> Allow application access contact address book information
Reorder_tasks<排序系统任务> Re -sort the task in the running of the system Z axis
Request_install_packages<未知权限>Unknown authority
Record_audio<录音> Recording sounds through mobile phones or headphones
Wake_lock<唤醒锁定> Allow the procedure after the mobile phone screen is turned off and the background process is still running
Call_phone<拨打电话> Allow the program to enter the phone number from the non -system dial device
Read_calendar<读取日程提醒> Allow programs to read the user's schedule information
Write_calendar<写入日程提醒> Write the schedule, but not readable
Send_SMS<发送短信> sending a text message
Write_settings<读写系统设置> Allow read and write system settings item
Access_wifi_State<获取WiFi状态> Get the status of the current wifi access and information about WLAN hotspots
Change_network_State<改变网络状态> Change the network status if it can be connected to the Internet
Get_tasks<获取任务信息> Allow the program to obtain the current or recently operated applications
Flag_Grant_read_uri_permission<未知权限>Unknown authority
Mount_unmount_filesystems<挂载文件系统> Hanging, reverse mounting external file system
Modify_audio_settings<修改声音设置> Modify the sound setting information
Read_Media_audio<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_Media_images<未知权限>Unknown authority
Read_Media_video<未知权限>Unknown authority
Post_notifications<未知权限>Unknown authority

News group 2.0.8

Software sizeThe72.09 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-06-19
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTheSocial chat
Filing numberTheHunan ICP No. 20003674 -3A
Software manufacturerTheChangsha Nianyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Download address

Basic profile
Logo, head of the news group
Message Group is a new type of micro -business platform, WeChat marketing assistant software, group message, group sending pictures, text watermarks, picture watermarks and other functions, to better promote products for you. The object is not only a friend of the user, but it can also be sent to the WeChat group where the user is located, which will maximize the spread of the news exposure to the greatest extent, and strive to become the best WeChat tool in the market. Huajun Software Park offers the download address of the information group sending app. Users who need it can download and use it for free!

Send a screenshot of the message group

Function introduction:

1. You can switch multiple contents, add multiple content in turns;

2. You can send pictures and other documents in groups, and become the king of fighting pictures at all.

3. Can be forwarded with watermarks, pictures puzzles, and materials;

Send a screenshot of the message group

Message group update log:

1. Fixed other bugs;

2. Optimized the compatibility of the software.

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

The news group can help you solve many problems. I believe that as long as you dare to use it, you will definitely make you love it. I also recommend it to youMy Lord LiangyuanAs well asI am a mysteryAs well asPlay catAs well asWeChatAs well asimmediately

Common problem