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Location: front page————Android software————game————role play ———— Original god


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.internet', allows programs to access network connection, which may generate GPRS traffic
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_network_State', allows programs to obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_wifi_State', allows the program to obtain the status of the current WIFI access and information of the WLAN hotspot
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_extRNAL_STORAGE', allows the program to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Users-Permission: 'Android.permission.read_external_Storage', the program can read the file of the device's external storage space (built-in SDCARD and external SDCARD) files)
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.vibrate', allows program vibration
Users-Permission: ''
Users-Permission: 'Freemme.Permission.msa'
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.read_media_images'
uses-permission: 'Android.permission.read_media_video'
uses-Permission: 'Android.Permission.read_Media_audio'
Users-Permission: '', allows the program to access the camera to take pictures
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.flashlight', allows accessing flash
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.wake_lock', allows the program to run after the phone screen is closed
Users-Permission: 'com.mihoyo.YuanShen.Permission.jpush_message'
uses-permission: ''
uses-Permission: ''
uses-permission: 'com.mihoyo.yuanshen.permission.mipush_receive'
uses-permission: 'Android.Permission.Foreground_service'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.post_notifications'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_network_State', allows programs to change the network status, such as whether to connect to
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_wifi_State', allows the program to change the wifi status
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.get_tasks', allows the program to get task information

Original God 4.4.0 official version

Software sizeThe392.57 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-06-12
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTherole play
VersionThe4.4.0 official version
Filing numberTheShanghai ICP No. 19018275 -14A
Software manufacturerTheShanghai Mihayou Ying Tie Technology Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Other versions Download address

Basic profile
Logo first logo
Original God Android EditionIt is an action adventure mobile game with exquisite screens and an oversized world. The original god has a superb painting style and exquisite standing character, a variety of occupations and characters, so that you can experience more gorgeous skill tricks Release, participate in every battle, and enjoy the fingertips of the fingertips! Friends who like the original god come to China Software Park to download and experience!

Screenshot of the original God

Original godGame background

"Original God" is a new open world adventure game independently developed by Mihayou.

The game takes place in a fantasy world called "Tivat", here,

The person selected by God will be awarded a device called "Eye of God" to guide the power of the element.

You will play a mysterious role called "Traveler", and in the free adventure, you will have different personalities and unique abilities in free adventure.

Defeat the strong enemies with them, find the lost relatives -at the same time, gradually discover the truth of the "original god" world.

Screenshot of the original God

Screenshot of the original God

Original godGame characteristics

The characters are very good

The protagonists with distinctive personality

Expand your adventure on the magical continent

Loving system, enhance each other's feelings

Screenshot of the original God

Original godRole introduction

Name: Wendy

Introduction: The goddess of claiming to be a chairman, founded the city of Monde, spread civilization, the god of the game and opera, left songs and celebrations, and then disappeared into the wilderness with the harp (thousand years ago). After awakening, encountered Monde and Winnisha. After driving the dragon, specify Winnisha as the owner.

Name: Winnisha

Identity: Munita, Monde City Sword Fighter, owner of Monde Castle, founder of West Wind Cavaliers, Wind Energy contractor.

Introduction: The sword fighter who was originally fought with the tribe became the master of Monde in the name of the gods, and founded the Xifeng Knight Group. After entering the sky island as a wind, it became a goshawk and continued to protect Monde.

Name: Diluk

Identity: Diluk Master, Kaia's Justice Brothers

Introduction: At the age of 10, he was recognized by God's eyes. At the age of 14, he became the youngest captain in the history of the West Wind Knight. Its "Eye of God" has been determined by doctors as special functions.

Name: Ander

Identity: West Wind Cavaliers Reverse Cavaliers

Introduction: The Monde City Flight Champion will use bow and arrows, with a variety of styles. Enthusiastic and help "Avengers" find something. Organic wisdom, quickly found clues and followed the modified Cloor, and the piano co -defeated the transformation. (PS: But Xiaobian still thinks she is stupid and cute)

Screenshot of the original God

Original God Update Log

1. The details are more outstanding!

2. Bug go without trace

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

The original God software feels really good! The editor was tested for this purpose, it was really good to use,WorldAs well asSurvivorAs well asDaimen LawAs well asAnother Eden: Cats that surpass time and spaceAs well asContinent of the windWait for them to test very good software. Come and choose one that suits you!

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