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How to open the valley in the new copy of the original god? -The Gui New Copy Rock Guide Raiders

author: Date: 2024-07-24

Original god
Original God-5.0.0_26041933_26161852

role play Occupy: 343.8 MB Time: 2021-02-22

Software Introduction: The original God Android version is a mobile game with exquisite picture and a large open world.

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1. The game player first came to the icon of Lamen Juyuan icon

2. Then put rock creation on this pressure board

3. Go up here and then use the wind farm to fly quickly to the opposite rock pillar

4. Click on the whereabouts to attack the rock pillars to generate resonance, and the resonance will shatter the mountain hole and open it

5. Finally, the game player enters the entrance to open the secret realm of Yougu in the rock

The above is the relevant content about how to open the valley in the new copy of the original god, I hope it will be helpful to you!

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