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Location: front page————Android software————game————role play ———— Nine Spirites Realm


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_network_State', allows programs to obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_network_State', allows programs to change the network status, such as whether to connect to
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.internet', allows programs to access network connection, which may generate GPRS traffic
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.read_phone_State', allows the program to access the telephone status
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_wifi_State', allows the program to obtain the status of the current WIFI access and information of the WLAN hotspot
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_extRNAL_STORAGE', allows the program to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.Bluetooth', allows the program to connect the pairing Bluetooth device
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.System_alert_window', allows the program display system window
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_fine_location', allows the program to receive the positioning information of the satellite via GPS chip by GPS chip
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.get_tasks', allows the program to get task information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.restart_packages', allows the program to end the task through the RESTARTPACKAGE (String) method. This method will give up outside
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.request_install_packages', allows access to the installation application from unknown sources
Users-Permission: 'Android.permission.read_external_Storage', the program can read the file of the device's external storage space (built-in SDCARD and external SDCARD) files)
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.change_wifi_State', allows the program to change the wifi status
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.restart_packages', allows the program to end the task through the RESTARTPACKAGE (String) method. This method will give up outside
Users-PerMission: 'Android.Permission.get_tasks', allows the program to get task information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.read_sms', allows the program to read SMS content
Users-Permission: 'Android.permit.Send_sms', allows the program to send text messages
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.write_Settings', allows the program to read or write the system settings
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.mount_unmount_FileSystems', allows programmeal mounting, anti-mounting external file system
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.access_Coarse_Location', allows programs
USES-PERMISSION: 'Android.Permission.access_fine_location', allows the program to receive the positioning information of the satellite via GPS chip by GPS chip
Users-Permission: 'Com.tencent.tmgp.jlSyln.gdt.qq.Send_permission'
uses-permission: 'com.tencent.tmgp.jlsyln.gdt.qq.receive_permission'
Users-Permission: 'Freemme.Permission.msa'
Users-Permission: '', allows the program to access the camera to take pictures
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.vibrate', allows program vibration
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.flashlight', allows accessing flash
Users-Permission: ' Permission.read_history_Bookmarks', allows programs to read browser collectors and historical records
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.modify_Audio_Settings', allows the program to modify the sound settings information information
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.record_Audio', allows the program to record sounds through mobile phones or headphones
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.install_packages', allows program installation applications
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.wake_lock', allows the program to run after the phone screen is closed
Users-Permission: 'Android.PerMission.receive_Boot_Completed', allows the program to boot automatic operation and run automatically
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.interact_across_users_full'
Users-Permission: 'Android.permission.access_surface_flinger'
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.Bluetooth_admin', allows the program to discover and pair the new Bluetooth equipment
Users-Permission: 'Android.Permission.read_logs', allows the program to read the underlying log of the system

The latest version of Jiu Ling Shenyu V79.0

Software sizeThe638.3 MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-09-03
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTherole play
VersionTheV79.0 latest version
Filing numberTheGuangdong ICP No. 14007775 -10A
Software manufacturerTheGuangzhou Leiu Software Technology Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Download address

Basic profile
Logo, head of Jiu Ling Shen Domain
Jiuling Shenju is a large -scale competitive ARPG Xianxia mobile game. Friends who like Jiuling Shenyu come to China Software Park to download and experience!

Screenshot of Jiuling Shenju

Gaming highlight

The game has prepared a lot of career choices for players. You can choose freely. Every profession here has its own unique characteristics, and also has its own unique cultivation path, and each occupation can cultivate peerless martial arts. The treasure hunt adventure gameplay, the fantasy world has you more exciting, becoming a swordsman of the rivers and lakes, opening your chivalry legend

Screenshot of Jiuling ShenjuEssence

Game characteristics

1. With the improvement of the level, players can learn all kinds of combat skills, so that you can better win in the battle;

2. The refreshing blow experience gives you a great feeling. The game uses a real physical engine, and the combat effect is very prominent;

3. Under the blessing of the engine of the second era, the players have created a beautiful fairy world, the national style design, and the beautiful fairy.

Screenshot of Jiuling Shenju

Game function

1: Sting Shadow

It belongs to a more representative occupation in this game, and has very good control and explosive damage. It is a career designed by the killer assassin as the prototype. The flexibility is also very good, and it can bring good results to everyone's play.

2: Gunhao

With the effect of a very good life recovery and control ability, it can make the player’s living space and the ability of continuous combat to improve significantly. When attacking the enemy, the move is strong and powerful, which can cause the enemy to cause the enemy very well to cause the enemy High amount of output damage makes everyone unable to fight easily.

Nine Spirit God Realm update logs:

The work of day and night can only be happier for you

Well, Mi Mimi coaxed ~ BUG is gone!

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

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Common problem