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Sample inquiry transcript

Sample inquiry transcript

u3000u3000 inquiry transcript

u3000u30001. When questioning, the people's police must inform the person being questioned of the rights he/she enjoys and the obligations he/she undertakes in accordance with the law.

u3000u30002. When questioning a suspect for the crime for the first time, you should ask whether he has ever received criminal punishment, administrative detention or reeducation through labor, custody and education, compulsory drug rehabilitation, custody and reeducation, etc. If necessary, you should also ask about his main family members, work unit, education level, etc. etc. When questioning foreign criminal suspects, they should also ask about their nationality, type and number of entry and exit documents, visa type, entry time and reason, and other relevant information. If necessary, they should also ask about their relations in China, etc.

u3000u30003. At the end of the transcript, the person being questioned should write "I have read the above transcript and it is consistent with what I said" and sign or fingerprint it and indicate the date.

Version: | Update time: 2024-10-31

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Inquiry transcript sample comments

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2012-11-18 11:06:30
    Very practical inquiry transcript sample, it is the template I need.
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2019-05-25 04:39:25
    The inquiry transcript sample template is very comprehensive, thank you!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2016-05-27 07:35:38
    General template for inquiry transcripts, very practical

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