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Win10 uses a 360 -speed browser to play video to appear stuck solution

Author: Uchiha Itachi Date: 2024-05-11

360 Speed ​​Browser
360 Speed ​​Browser-22.3.3050.64

Web browsing Occupation: 126.39 MB Time: 2022-09-16

Software Introduction: The official version of the 360 ​​Speed ​​browser is a fast, safe seamless dual -core browser. 360 Speed ​​browser not only helps users to have faster ...

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Each computer has a browser installed. We are accessing the Internet through the browser, viewing materials, watching videos, and so on. The 360 ​​browser is a browser we preferred, not only exquisite interfaces, but also starting very fast. However, users with Win10 systems have a stuttering problem when using 360 browsers to watch videos. So how to solve such a problem? Let ’s take a look with Xiaobian to use Win10 to use the 360 ​​Speed ​​browser to play videos.

Win10 uses a 360 -speed browser to play video to appear stuck solution

The specific method is as follows:

1. Enter chrome: // plugins/in the 360 ​​browser address bar. The core plug -in management page appears, and press the "Detailed Information" button in the right reward corner.

2. Find Adobe Flash Play. There are generally many. Pay attention to the version number such as Only retain the "Open" version number "The highest" version of Pepflashplayer32, and "stop" the remaining low versions.

3. Generally, this is not stuck. If you are still stuck, you can change to the Flash of Napi of NPSWF32 in the same position to close the previous PPFLASH. Still card, you can try it one by one, and you can also close other plug -ins such as some plug -ins such as "Tbao", "X Lei", "AL Baba" with the banner of security, and try again.

4. Pathological analysis: Because Flash Player is automatically upgraded and imperfect under the background without manual intervention, it leads to a conflict with the existing Flash Player plug -in. It may also conflict with other pre -installed browser plugins. Like myself, after upgrading Windows 10, Flash automatically upgraded plug -in saving position changes, resulting in the old and new version of Flash running at the same time, and Youku severely stuck.

The above is the solution to the use of 360 -speed browsers to play videos with 360 -speed browser. If you also encounter similar problems, try the method introduced by the editor. Hope to help you.

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