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World of Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Shortcut

Author: Changshan paper farming Date: 2017-05-25

World of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne
World of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne-Chinese Green Edition

Online game Occupy: 7.36MB Time: 2022-01-26

Software Introduction: World of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne is a popular real -time strategy game produced by Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft Bullet 3: Frozen Throne in the Frozen Throne ...

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World of Warcraft is currently the most popular real -time strategy game in the world. The production company is the Blizzard company in the United States. It has many characteristics of many other similar games, such as its "hero" concept. The appearance of "hero" makes this game pay attention to both the team spirit and the idea of ​​personal charm. Individuals cannot be compared with a army. Another feature is that he needs players to have superb operating skills, strong consciousness, subtle insights and wisdom brains! This game can be a lot of tactics.

Basic game interface

Alt-F4 or Alt-Q-Exit Warcraft III.

Alt -o -open option menu

Alt -h -Open the help menu

Alt -S -Open the deposit menu

Alt -l

F6 -Quickly save the game

F10 -Open/close the main menu

Ctrl -S -Open/Guan Sound

Ctrl -m -opening/care music

Enter -Open the default conversation window

Shift -Enter -Open the conversation window of the people in all games

Ctrl -ERTER -Open the conversation window to the ally

Print Screen -The screenshot of the screen is a file in a .tga format and saved it in your WC3 installation of the ScreenShots directory.

ESC -Back to the last menu

Insert -Rotate the lens to the left

Delete -Rotate the lens to the right

Mouse wheel: roll-amplify the lens

Mouse wheel: down-narrow the lens

Press the mouse wheel: -Chn the mouse to move on the map to move

Direction keys-can move on the map

Basic game instruction

Leave the mouse click-select unit, architecture, press the command button to specify the target.

· Select units and buildings on the screen.

· The instruction button of the activation unit.

· Confirm the goal of a command, architecture or treasure, and skill placement.

· Use a treasure in the hero's item bar.

· Discard or give it to other hero treasures.

· Click on the small map to move the screen to the click.

· If your troops are mixed, click on one unit to activate that unit to use special skills.

Right-click-Smart activities in the target unit/building, ground, or small map.

· Ground-mobile unit to the destination, even if there are enemies on the road, they will not fight back.

· Enemy unit/architecture-attack target.

· Your own unit or friendly army-follow the target.

· Tree/Gold Mine-mobile units to destination (if it is collecting resource units, it is the source of this capital).

· Treasure on the ground-Heroes walk over and pick up treasures.

· The treasure in the heroine bar-pick up the treasure.

· When determining the goals of spells, etc.-cancel the command.

· Right-click on the small map when determining the goals of spells-move the screen to the place where the small map is clicked.

Keyboard ESC -Cancel instructions.

TAB -Switch between the same unit in the formation.


Alt -G -Send a signal on a small map. After pressing, click on the small map to confirm the target of sending a signal to the allies.

Alt -T -Open/Kwan on the small map display the terrain.

Alt -A -Kai/Guan Simple color settings. (You have a color, all allies one color, and all enemies have a color.)

Alt -F -Opening/Customs formation mode. When it is opened, combat soldiers will automatically arrange in front of the remote attack soldier.

Ctrl (if you press the command while sending the command) -s only send a command to the selected soldiers.

Ctrl + # -Chide the selected troops into # 号 c.

Shift + # -Add the selected troops to the # s s.

# -Select#, press the screen twice in a row, then move the screen to the troops.

F1-F3-Select No. 1-3 Hero. Press two consecutive times and move the screen to the hero.

F8 -Selecting idle workers. Continue to switch between idle workers.

F9 -Open the task record window. You can let you check all the main tasks and optional tasks and the status of completion.

F12 -Multi -player game is opened to open the chat record window. In a single machine mode, it is the record window for all messages. The chat record window records all the information you sent and received. The message or prompt.

Backspace -Move the center of the screen to your town center.

Spacebar -Move the center of the screen in the past 8 events.

Alt-C or Ctrl-C-Move the center of the screen to the unit you selected.

Shift+selection unit-Add/delete the units to the currently selected troops.

CTRL+select unit or double-click unit-select all such units near the screen.

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