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World of Warcraft 3: How about the Frozen Throne-Warcraft 3: Introduction to Frozen Throne Artillery Properties

Author: Xiaoxin Date: 2022-09-28

World of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne
World of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne-Chinese Green Edition

Online game Occupy: 7.36MB Time: 2022-01-26

Software Introduction: World of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne is a popular real -time strategy game produced by Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft Bullet 3: Frozen Throne in the Frozen Throne ...

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There are many novices Xiaobai I don't know how to Warcraft 3: How about the Frozen Throne Cannon, so Xiaobian brought Warcraft hegemony 3: Introduction to the attributes of the Frozen Throne Cannon, interested friends come to understand with Xiaobian Let's.

1. Attribute information

The cannon is the two combat units of the human race. After the workshop is completed, it can be recruited directly in it 180 gold and 70 wood, and a single occupies 3 people. In the initial state, the small cannon has 52 to 64 attack city attack power, 360 points of life and 0 points heavy armor. Although the initial movement speed is only 270, as the ordinary unit, it is still very fragile. It can still make many players love it abnormally.

In the game, we can study the two technical skills of the small cannon in the workshop for the small cannon and the porn grenader. Among them, the lighting bombs are auxiliary technology skills that can be directly studied under 2 subjects, and the research and development costs are relatively low. Only 50 gold and wood can be used. After the development is completed , The cooling time is 120 seconds, with anti -hidden effects; the chopped grenades are 3 subjective skills. After the completion of 3 subjects, it can spend gold and 100 wood research skills in the workshop. A and China A unit causes more damage. The existence of broken grenade skills is also one of the key reasons for small cannons to become a powerful output unit in the middle and late stages of human race.

2. Practical effect

Attack building: As a siege unit, the ability to demolish the small and medium -sized guns in the bureau is still very good. Although he does not have the mobility of helicopter and the self -explosive bat, it is good to coordinate the super remote attack distance, and the performance in the demolition building is still very good. Especially when the opponent has a certain number of defensive towers, the space of the cannon will greatly improve.

Suppressing the enemy's back row: Due to the daily facing, the units that are shrinking in the back row are basically no armor and China A unit. After being added, the causes of damage caused by universal and middle -aged units can be further expanded. The suppression effect of the small gun on the enemy's remote units is still very obvious. Of course, as a long -range turret unit, the scope of the small gun is also the key reason why he can suppress the enemy's remote units.

Investigation Anti -Hidden: The skill with a very low R & D cost, although there is no actual combat effectiveness blessing, can still have a very good performance in the RTS game that appears to be extremely important in "World of Warcraft 3". In the middle and late stages of the game, a lighting bomb can easily understand how much the enemy's movement is to himself. Not to mention, the lighting bomb also has anti -hidden effects. In the middle and late team battles, it can be used to easily limit the units that the opponent can be invisible. Especially when the stealth cloak is adjusted to the daytime, it can be hidden during the day, and the role of the leverage in the middle and late team battles has also improved a lot.

Third, analysis of advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: high attack, long range, have a certain auxiliary role, and can cause a lot of damage to unales and Chinese armor after cooperating with technical skills, which are obvious advantages of small cannons. In the daily game, many players will choose small cannons to match with men's witch and other units, and then play better results, the main reason is here.

Defect: The fragility of the body is the most obvious flaw in the cannon. Because the speed of this unit's shift is not much different from the common step -by -battle unit, as a post -unit body and very fragile reasons, once the order is caught by the opponent in the bureau, basically only wait for death. Therefore, in the process of using this unit, if you need to supply halfway, you must try to avoid being caught by the opponent before entering the team. In addition, like the commonly used siege units, slow attack speed is also a major defect. When the handicapped of the hand -to -hand is high, you can completely avoid most of the damage of the cannon.

World of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne shortcut operation

Alt-F4ralt-Q- Exit Warcraftiii.

Alt-o-open option menu

Alt-H-Open the help menu

Alt-S-Open the deposit menu

Alt-L-Open Reading Package Menu

F6-Quick Save Game

F10-Open/close the main menu

Ctrl-S-opening/care sound

Ctrl-m-open/care music

ENTER-Open the default conversation window

Shift-Enter-Open the conversation window of the people in all games

Ctrl-EntER-Open the conversation window to the ally

Printscreen-The screenshot of the screen is a file in a .tga format and stored it in the ScreenShots directory in your WC3 installation directory.

ESC-Back to the last menu

INSERT-Rotate the lens to the left

Delete-rotate the lens to the right

Mouse wheel: roll-amplify the lens

Mouse wheel: Rolling-narrow the lens

Press the mouse wheel: -Chn the mouse to move on the map to move

Direction keys-can move on the map

The above is the World of Warcraft Bullets 3: What kind of content of the Frozen Throne Cannon, the interested friends come and watch!

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