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Location: front page————Android software————game————role play ———— Legend of the Three Kingdoms


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Permissions: View

Need to call the following important permissions
Internet access network access network connection may generate GPRS traffic
Access_wifi_State Get wifi status to obtain the status of the current WIFI access and information about the WLAN hot spot
Access_network_State Get the network status to obtain network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
Write_external_storage is written in external storage allowable programs to write external storage, such as writing files on the SD card
Read_phone_State Read the phone status to the phone status
Get_tasks to obtain task information allows programs to obtain the current or recently applied applications
System_alert_window display system window display system window
Authenticate_accounts verification account allows a program to access account management information through account verification
USE_CREDENTIALS uses a certificate allows the program to request verification from accountmanager
Get_accounts access account Gmail list access Gmail account list
Record_Audio recording recorded sound via mobile phone or headset Mike
Modify_audio_settings Modify sound settings Settings Settings Settings Information
Read_Settings Unknown Permanent
Write_calendar's writing schedule reminds the schedule, but it is not readable
Vibrate uses vibration to allow vibration
Request_install_packages unknown permissions
Manage_accounts management account allows program management account lists
Read_extRNAL_STORAGE access the permissions of external storage access to external storage
Access_fine_location obtains the positioning information of the satellite through the GPS chip to receive the positioning information of the satellite, and the positioning accuracy is less than 10 meters.
Change_network_State Change the network status.
Call_phone dial -up call allows the program to enter the phone number from the non -system dial device
Access_coarse_LOCATION obtains a rough position to obtain user error information through WIFI or mobile base station. The positioning accuracy is about 30 ~ 1500 meters
Read_logs read system log Reading system underlying log
Mount_unmount_filesystems mount the file system to mount, reflect the external file system
Receive_user_prease unknown authority
WAKE_LOCK wakes up locking that allows the program to run in the background process after the mobile phone screen is closed
Foreground_service unknown authority
Receive_Boot_Completed boot automatically allows the program to boot automatic operation
Request_ignore_battery_optimizations Unknown Permanent

Legend of the Three Kingdoms Android Version v1.6.5

Software sizeThe179.14MB
Software languageTheSimplified Chinese
Software scoreThe
Software typeTheDomestic software
Software authorizationTheShared software
Update timeThe2024-09-11
Application platformTheAndroid
Software classificationTherole play
VersionTheAndroid version v1.6.5
Filing numberTheGuangdong ICP No. 16040309 -3A
Software manufacturerTheShenzhen Kuofan Technology Co., Ltd.

Software introduction Related topics Common problem Other versions Download address

Basic profile
LOGO of the Legend of the Three Kingdoms
The Android version of the Three Kingdoms is a strategic war -category RPG mobile game with the Three Kingdoms as the background. The official version of the Three Kingdoms has a lot of familiar three -king national generals and classic plots. There are various ways of gameplay and rich scenes. Players can open their own dream of their own Three Kingdoms. In the Legend of the Three Kingdoms, players can recruit and train famous players, recruit soldiers to buy horses, fight against them to kill the enemy, and protect their nations.

The Legend of the Three Kingdoms

Legend of the Three Kingdoms

"The Legend of the Three Kingdoms" has a delicate style and a variety of gameplay. Here, you can have your own city and subjects; here, the five tigers and Zhuge military divisions, let you send it; here, large national war, multi -person interaction in real time, passion every day. There are also hot -blooded gameplay such as anti -barbaric and fighting world, and take you into the real Three Kingdoms world. "The Legend of the Three Kingdoms", achieve your dream of king, come and fight quickly, here, you will be the king of a country!

The Legend of the Three Kingdoms

Legend of the Three Kingdoms

1. Rage warrior, team output explosion table;

2. Treatment and care, combination can fight;

3. Most professions, famous will join the battlefield.

The Legend of the Three Kingdoms

Legend of the Three Kingdoms Games Highlights

The new 3D engine technology is comprehensive to build the most authentic Three Kingdoms battlefield, the magnificent city wall building, the huge world map, the classic Three Kingdoms battle perfectly, and the real character image

Light and shadow particles rendered the hottest large -scale battle scene. Every fire light and each weapon collision will restore the most authentic particle special effects.

According to the historical character of the real Three Kingdoms, the most heroic character, the full -scale free team strategy war to restore the most brainpower battlefield

Multi -mode gameplay, the game takes large national warfare as the core. Players can choose a three -nation star to fight side by side with themselves.

The Legend of the Three Kingdoms

Legend of the Three Kingdoms


Activating tactics can enhance the attributes of all generals, and active tactics need to consume tactical points. Get the way to get tactical points: challenge levels and complete tasks to get.


The protagonist can learn new skills when learning the learning conditions. The skills have active and passive effects, which can effectively improve the generals.


After upgrading the [Administrative Region] in the main city, you can get and upgrade talents to improve your combat power, and upgrade requires military merit.

The Legend of the Three Kingdoms

Legend of the Three Kingdoms Rune Introduction


In the game, you can wear different levels of runes that can be worn by generals, so as to increase offense and defense for generals and greatly enhance players' combat power. Of course, the improvement of high -level runes is quite obvious. After wearing different runes, the general image will also change different changes. The improvement of runes to combat power is still obvious, so it is essential to fight a copy of the battle challenge.

      Rune obtained

A. Ordinary copy (small output)

The drop of ordinary levels adds a small amount of rune loss output

B. Campaign challenge copy (large -scale output)

Each challenge will be randomly dropped. For the first time, you can get a lot of rune rewards at one time. After the copy of the copy reaches 5 stars, you can get a lot of rune rewards every day.

      Rune synthesis

Low-level runes can synthesize high-level runes. At one time, you can choose to consume up to 4 low-level runes to synthesize. The synthesis failure will deduct the runes: 1-3 deduction 1, 2 level 4-6, 7-9, 7-9, 7-9, 7-9 There are 3 levels of deduction, full deduction above level 10. If you choose to add a protective symbol together for synthesis, when the synthesis fails, it will only consume the protective symbols itself without deducting the runes, and the lucky synthesis will improve the success rate of synthesis.

Legend of the Three Kingdoms Update Log

1. The details are more outstanding!

2. Bug go without trace

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Common problem

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