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Novel splitter (TXT text)

Novel splitter (TXT text)

  • Size: 0.05M
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: file splitting
  • System: WinAll

Recommended for you: novel splitter

Novel splitter (TXT text)The official version is a text segmentation tool built for TXT text.Novel splitter (TXT text)You can split a large txt text into several small texts, supporting normal splitting, size splitting, chapter splitting, word number splitting, line number splitting and other splitting methods.Novel splitter (TXT text)Not only is the segmentation fast, but it is also accurate and free of garbled characters and any functional limitations. Huajun Software Park provides you with novel splitter (TXT text) download.

Novel splitter (TXT text) software functions

​ 1. You can divide a large txt text into several small texts

2. You can merge several small txt texts into one large text

3. Ability to specify file encoding

​​ 4. You can freely choose the folder to save. After the merge and split are completed, you will be told the folder and path where the text is saved.

Features of novel splitter (TXT text) software

1. Divide according to size

2. Divide according to quantity

3. Customize the split TXT novel name

4. Automatically set the name of the split TXT novel

​ 6. Automatically create and save text folders

7. Pure text can be cut

8. Shred and cut the original documents

9. Generate merge script

Novel Splitter (TXT Text) Installation Instructions

​ ​ 1. Download the novel splitter (TXT text) in Huajun Software Park, and you will get a software compressed package.

​ ​ 2. Next we need to decompress the software compressed package, and we will get Art_split.exe.

​​ 3. Double-click to open the Art_split.exe application and you can use it.

Instructions for use of novel splitter (TXT text)

Open the novel splitter, click the browse button above to put the TXT file you want to split, click the second browse button to select the save location, and then select the splitting method. You can also add keywords to split them if they are not needed. to delete.

Comparison of similar software

​​​TXT text splitterIt is a free software for splitting TXT documents with no functional limitations. TXT text splitter supports splitting a txt text into multiple files, and can be divided arbitrarily according to the custom number of document copies and custom document size. And the TXT text splitter supports custom naming of the generated split documents, making it easier to read and organize txt text.

​​​pony text segmentation toolIt is a free and compact file splitting tool. It is green, requires no installation, and does not occupy system resources. Its main function can help you quickly split large files. It supports customizing the size of split files and can be easily moved after splitting. Store on the device.

Novel splitter (TXT text) update log

​​ 1. Enable thread splitting to perfectly solve the stuck problem of oversized TXT text splitting.

​ ​ 2. Optimize the program code and make the operation simpler.

Huajun editor recommends:

Novel splitter (TXT text)It can support normal splitting, size splitting, chapter splitting, word number splitting, line number splitting and other splitting methods. A very good file splitting software. The editor also uses this software. It is powerful, green and safe.

Version: 3.5 official version | Update time: 2022-02-07

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Novel Splitter (TXT Text) Reviews

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2022-01-22 19:59:39
    The interface design of the novel splitter (TXT text) is very easy to use and has rich functions. I highly recommend it!
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2021-12-31 12:28:42
    The novel splitter (TXT text) software is very easy to use, the download speed is very fast, and it is very convenient!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2021-10-21 19:57:10
    The novel splitter (TXT text) is awesome! 100 million likes! ! !

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