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What is the phone number 12580?

Author: Xiao Hulu Date: 2018-10-18

12580 is a very commonly used phone number in life, so what exactly is 12580?

1. I believe that when you encounter problems in your daily life, you often call 12580 for help. This is a very commonly used phone number in life, but many friends don’t know what the number 12580 is. Let me tell you next. Everyone.

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2.12580 is a comprehensive information service platform provided by China Mobile. No matter where you are, you can dial 12580 at any time to inquire about daily information such as catering, entertainment, transportation, weather, etc.


3. And 12580 is very convenient. There is no information fee, only basic local call charges, and no roaming, long-distance and other charges. It is very simple for everyone to just pick up the mobile phone and dial 12580.


4. However, with the continuous development of the mobile Internet, 12580 has now been gradually eliminated. Everyone has a more convenient channel to check convenient information. Despite this, some people are still using 12580.


The above is the explanation compiled by the editor for everyone. What is the phone number 12580? If you want to query information, you can try 12580.

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