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Today campus tutoring cat

Today campus tutoring cat

  • Size: 83.7m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Study and education
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Jiangsu Jinzhi Education Information Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

Today's campus tutoring cat Android version is a campus service software developed for college teachers and students. Today campus tutoring cat app can help counselors to better manage their class students, better carry out their own school services, and timely deal with students to leave leave for leave , Check the services such as sleeping and sign -in, so that the counselor can better work.

Introduction to campus tutoring cat software today

Counseling cat applications include curriculum inquiry, grade query, my campus card, counseling cat, logistics reporting, pocket campus and other applications for teachers and students. Due to the distribution of permissions, the applications of teachers and students of different roles will be different. For example, the "counseling cat" application can only be seen in the "campus" of other personnel, and other personnel's "today's campus" is not visible.

Today campus counseling cat software characteristics


More than 40 practical functions, covering school information, academic application, teaching information, living services, learning tools, etc.

Welcoming system

Starting from receiving the admission notice, the registration process is completed online: registration, sign -in processing, item reception, financial payment inquiry, one -stop procedures for new students

School communication

You can find the school address book of the school classmates. It is more convenient for online private messages to find it according to the college, grade, and school number.

Campus service

Look at the table, check the results, recharge the campus card, campus yellow pages, examination arrangements, library information, logistics reports, learn and live well

Safe and reliable

Based on the construction of the school's official information system, the data is accurate and the information is security

Today campus counseling cat update log

1. The details are more outstanding!

2. Bug go without trace

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Today campus tutoring cat software feels really good! The editor was specifically tested for this. It was really good to use. The homework helped live class, dumpling cloud games, TFUN games, etc. are all very good software for testing by Xiaobian. Come and choose a suitable for you!

Version: Android version v9.0.15 | Update time: 2024-06-24

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The application has not passed the real -name authentication, you can download it through your mobile assistant.
