Martian input method 2024-09-14 2.9.6 Official version 5.39MB Simplified Chinese Wubi input Reasons for recommendation: "Mars Text Input Method" is a stunning Martian text instant conversion software. It is the new favorite of QQ users and the favorite of non-mainstream people! Please note that it is not just...
Thai input method 2017-10-02 v1.0 official version 1.1M Simplified Chinese Pinyin input Reasons for recommendation: Directly download and install the "Thai Input Method" software. After installation, switch to "CH" in the input method language bar, and then switch the keyboard to "Thai Input Method"...
Shuizu input method 2017-09-27 v1.0 7.0M Simplified Chinese Pinyin input Reasons for recommendation: The Shuiyu input method converts Shuiyu characters into Chinese characters as the output object, and its pronunciation adopts Shuiyu, so the input method is named Hanyi Shuiyu input method. Also, since it's done...