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Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method

Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method

2024-10-31 16:39:23 3 software

To download Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method, go to Huajun Software Park. Here we not only provide you with the latest version of Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method, but also provide you with similar software downloads of Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method. Free high-speed download, one-click green installation, and more Lots of better and safer free software for you to download. If you want to know more about the latest green free software at home and abroad, and download more content, go to Huajun Software Download!

PC software

Xiaoyao Pen input method
Xiaoyao Pen Input Method latest version

Software size: 5.39 2024-10-31

Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method is a relatively professional handwriting recognition tool that supports full-screen handwriting, Chinese pinyin, word association, digital ink and other functions. If you need to recognize characters that you don’t know the pronunciation of, you can use the Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method to identify the characters. This tool has a very high recognition rate and takes up less resources. There is a need...

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Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method
Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method

Software size: 5.31 2024-10-25

Sometimes keyboard input feels particularly troublesome, such as when it is particularly cold at night, then we can use this mouse handwriting input method. You can use the mouse to write, it is easy and fast, and the recognition is very high How to use 1. First install the mouse handwriting input method 2. After the installation is complete, you can set some parameters of the handwriting input method...

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Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method
Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method official version

Software size: 5.4 2024-10-25

Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method is a professional handwriting input method software. The Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method can recognize more than 70,000 Chinese characters. The software also supports Japanese and Korean input, which is very convenient. When you enter unknown words, you can also see the pinyin. Huajun Software Park provides you with the Xiaoyao Pen handwriting input method. Download, welcome to download. ...

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