Huajun developerSubmitting platform

User Software Management Platform

front page ———— Software submission

Huajun developer submits the platformSoftware submissionillustrate

Release time: 2020-12-02

1. Log in to the Chinese army developer submit the platform. After the main identity authentication, click on the upper right to the top right【Software List】Enter the software submission page.

2. Software page【Category Bar】The corresponding state is as follows:

Review:The software review is successful, the download station is successfully included

To be reviewed:Software is under review

Unpailable:Software fails to pass review

Over the line:The software is deleted, and the data does not exist

3. Click【Add new software】Newly submitted software. Fill in the corresponding basic information according to the software situation.

4. According to the nature of the software, submit the corresponding software proof and upload the software related pictures.

If it is providedSoftware copyrightPlease upload a clear and non -deformation software copyright picture;

If it is providedAuthorized book (exclusive)Please upload a certificate of authorization and the authorization of the Fang Chances,

If it is providedPromisePlease select this item and download the promise template, fill in and sign in accordance with the requirements/After stamping, upload a clear and non -deformation picture proof.

When uploading the software related pictures, please pressJPG format upload, do not exceed 1MB in size. According to the requirements of the red font, upload the picture correctly. Please do not have any contact information, links and other watermark information provided in the software information (including pictures).

5. After the picture is uploaded, please fill in the introduction of the software and the text of the software. After filling in all information, click【submit】You can complete the software submission.

6. After the software is submitted, please wait patiently for the software review. The review cycle is 3 working days. If the audit fails, the revision can be made according to the reasons for the return review and submitted.