How to use the computer scheduled automatic shutdown command?

Time: 2024-04-15Source: InternetAuthor: Xiaoyuer

ThatComputer scheduled automatic shutdown commandHow to use it? Next, I will tell you how to use the scheduled automatic shutdown command.

The steps are as follows:

1. Complete set of automatic scheduled shutdown commands

​ ​ 1. Let the computer run at the specified timeAutomatic shutdownCommand: [at 22:30 shutdown -s].

2. Let the computer automatically shut down after a number of hours or minutes using the command: [shutdown -s -t 3600]. Tip: 3600 here represents the number of seconds, and 3600 seconds represents 1 hour. The previous command will automatically shut down after 1 hour. .

3. Cancel the automatic shutdown command: [shutdown -a].

​ ​ 2. How to use the scheduled automatic shutdown command

​​ 1. First, we open the start menu---click Run (you can useshortcut key: Window key + R), enter the above automatic shutdown command.

How to use the computer scheduled automatic shutdown command?

​​ 2. Click OK. The system will prompt you later.Shut downCountdown reminder,win7There will be no prompt, but it will automatically shut down when the time is up.

How to use the computer scheduled automatic shutdown command?

3. In Windows, you can view the scheduled shutdown command we set.

3. How to view the set automatic shutdown command task

​​ 1. First open the start menu----clickcontrol Panel----Find Management Tools---Click Task Scheduler.

How to use the computer scheduled automatic shutdown command?

​​ 2. In the task plan, you will see the 2 o'clock automatic shutdown command we just added. You can delete the automatic shutdown command here, or you can use the [shutdown -a] command taught above to cancel the automatic shutdown task.

How to use the computer scheduled automatic shutdown command?

4. What do the parameters in the automatic shutdown command mean? You only need to understand the following parameters in the automatic shutdown command. We will not use them in daily life. We have already taught you how to use the automatic shutdown command above.

​ ​ 1. shutdown -f: means to forcefully close all programs;

​ ​ 2. shutdown -m: computer name, remote computer name; this command can control the shutdown of the LAN computer.

​ ​ 3. shutdown -i: Display the graphical user interface.

​ ​ 4. shutdown -l: Log out the current user.

5. shutdown -r: Restart the computer.

​ ​ 6. shutdown -t: Set time.

​​ 7. shutdown -c: the message content of the prompt.

The method of using the scheduled automatic shutdown command is introduced in detail here. We don’t need to download third-party scheduled automatic shutdown software at all. The above commands apply to all Windows systems. If you need it, you can find out, it will be helpful to you.

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