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What is the relationship between the proliferation of the original god?

Author: snack Date: 2023-07-14

Original god
Original God-4.6.0 official latest version

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Software Introduction: The original computer version is a classic and fun large -scale role -playing game. It is a new open world adventure RPG from Midhayou. you...

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Do you know what the original god spreads damage? Today, I will explain the Raiders of the proliferation of the original god. If you are interested, please take a look with the editor. I hope it can help everyone.

What is the relationship between the proliferation of the original god? Detailed explanation of the proliferation damage of the original god

1. Basic damage of diffusion: The basic damage of the diffusion is not related to the attack panel of the diffusion role and the attack panel of the additional role of the element. The basic damage of the diffusion increases according to the level of the diffusion role, so as to use this as the basis.

2. Additional injury of diffusion basic damage: The diffusion does not eat the corresponding element bonus. When there are multiple diffusion and injuries, if the element proficient bonus exists, the injury is calculated according to the basic value × (100%of the proliferation and injury equipment proliferation and injury).

3. Disposal or damage reduction or injury increase: The damage caused by the diffusion ignores the basic defense of the attacked unit, but it will reduce injuries due to the corresponding element resistance of the attack unit, such as cheating flowers. The same is true of injury reduction, which causes damage. The injury that causes damage will only increase due to the decrease in the element resistance of the attack unit, such as the anti -prevention effect of the four -piece suit.

4. Elemental reactions caused by diffusion: The damage caused by the diffusion will not cause injury due to reactions with other elements. For example, the diffused fire element cannot cause 1.5 times damage to the water Strem.

5. Conditions for diffusion: The condition of the proliferation is that the degradable element is attached to the attack unit, but it may not cause diffusion damage when the reaction is generated. The condition for generating diffusion damage is that it has just attached to the element (the attachment of the element is limited). If the time is about to disappear, the diffusion response will not cause diffusion damage.

6. Regarding the condition of multiple diffusion: When the attacking unit itself is attached to the venue, it can be triggered. The trigger skills must be a scope attack. The elements can be the same. QQ people.

What is the relationship between the proliferation damage of the original god? Detailed screenshot of the proliferation damage of the original god
The above is the original god diffusion damage strategy brought by XiaobianAll the contents, hope to help everyone.

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