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How about the original God Canti?

Author: sesame cake Date: 2022-12-30

Original god
Original God-4.6.0 official latest version

Online game Occupy: 140.82 MB Time: 2022-12-21

Software Introduction: The original computer version is a classic and fun large -scale role -playing game. It is a new open world adventure RPG from Midhayou. you...

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Do you know what is the original Shencantce? Today, I will explain the Raiders of the original Kandetis. If you are interested, please take a look with the editor. I hope it can help everyone.

How about the original God Cantys? Introduction

愿 The vow of Floating Gold Cantt

Eye of God-Water

Life Seating -Arrow Shield

"That Candie is ... is the real King of the Red King!"

In the tavern of Sumi City, a member of the embarrassed gold -plated brigade said stunned.

The guardian with different color -colored pupils has the blessing of the gods that can call the sandstorm that can come to the sky, and instantly swallow all enemies.

A member of the treasured group who had just announced his golden basin to wash his hands added that Canti could also make the power call for the desert. Each gravel was her scourge. In the desert, no one could escape from her.

But a young adventurer who was ready to go to the desert again strangely said that Miss Kandeose, the "guardian" of Aru Village, is obviously a gentle and kind person.

He once visited Aru Village, and saw Ms. Cantys with his own eyes to send water and food to a hungry and thirsty treasure group, and arranged another exhausted mercenary to go to the room to rest ... In his eyes, this one The words of the guardian and "horror" cannot be touched ...

Kandetce, who is far away from the Sea Chisha Sea, does not know about this little argument about her -she is not a discussion among the accident.

As the guardian of Aru Village, her responsibility is to maintain the tranquility of Aru Village.

As long as the rules in the village are abide by the rules of the village, anyone can rest in the village of Aru and get reasonable help.

Those who do not follow the rules and do illegal travel in the village.

Canti will ensure that they will never have the opportunity to endanger villages.

How about the original God Cantys?
The above is the original god Tisi Raiders brought by XiaobianAll the contents, hope to help everyone.

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