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QQ game hall always prompts the processing step of opening the blue diamond processing

Author: Xiaoyuer Date: 2024-05-11

QQ game hall
QQ Game Hall-5.59

Chess game Occupy: 103 MB Time: 2009-06-30

Software Introduction: The QQ game hall is also known as QQ game. It is a global reciprocal gaming platform launched by Tencent. The type of game in the QQ game hall ...

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I believe many players will start the QQ game hall software. However, some netizens report that the QQ game hall is always prompted to open the blue diamond, and it feels annoying. So how to deal with the QQ Diamond in the QQ game hall? Let Xiaobian give this article to friends in need, hope to help everyone!

Find QQ settings in the upper right corner of the QQ game hall, open the QQ settings panel, as shown in the figure


Find "Reminder Settings" in the left sidebar on the left side of the panel, as shown in the figure


Remove all the previous numbers such as blue diamonds and purple diamonds in the "Reminder settings", as shown in the figure


After the settings are completed, click "Use" to complete the settings, as shown in the figure


Come and learn the processing steps for the processing of the QQ Diamond to open the blue diamond, it will definitely help everyone.

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