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What does a circle of friends show a point in the middle of a horizontal line? -The circle of friends shows a point of explanation in the middle of a horizontal line

author: Date: 2024-05-28

When you see a point in the middle of the horizontal line in the circle of friends, this usually means that you cannot view the content of the circle of friends of the other party. This situation may be caused by several reasons:

The other party may set up a circle of friends and not allow you to view his dynamics. In this case, you are blocked by the other party.

The other party may have deleted or added you to the blacklist, causing you not to see the circle of friends of the other party.

The other party may not have sent a circle of friends or chose to hide the circle of friends.

The other party may set a visible range of the circle of friends. For example, only the dynamics of the past three days or half a year show that if there is no circle of friends during this time, it will not be displayed.

To determine the specific reason, you can try to send a message to the other party. If the message can be sent normally without any prompts, it may just be blocked. If you show the word "You are not a friend of the other party" or "refusal" when sending a message, it means that it is deleted or black. In addition, if the other party ’s WeChat friend shows“ showing three days in the circle of friends ”, this shows that the other party did not block you, but just set the content of the circle of friends published within three days to see everyone.

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