JRE7 (java runtime environment) 64-bit 2024-10-25 7.0.650.20 27.08 MB Simplified Chinese JAVA program Reasons for recommendation: Java runtime environment (javaruntimeenvironment or JRE7) is what we usually call JRE, a collection of environments necessary to run JAVA programs, JRE7...
JavaBite 2017-09-19 1.0 Green Chinese version 1.4M Simplified Chinese programming tools Reasons for recommendation: After .java is compiled, a .class file will be generated, which is a bytecode file. Generally, this file cannot be opened, but if you download this...
Java 2 SDK Standard Edition 2017-09-18 1.4.2 40.3M English programming tools Reasons for recommendation: The Java language is probably the first choice for network application languages. This is all due to its high degree of security and cross-platform features. It is currently used in almost all...
java/.net entity class generator 2017-09-18 V1.0 free version 64KB Simplified Chinese programming tools Reasons for recommendation: The java/.net entity class generator can automatically generate java and .net entity classes from the sqlserver database. The solution is because the code that comes with VS2008... recommend
Java decompiler (DJ Java Decompiler) 2017-09-15 v3.11.11.95 5.6M Simplified Chinese programming tools Reasons for recommendation: DJJavaDecompiler is a powerful and easy-to-use java decompiler. Using DJJavaDecompiler, you can decompile class files and...
Java Chart (JFreeChart) 2017-09-14 1.013 7.3M English programming tools Reasons for recommendation: JFreeChart is mainly used for various charts, including: pie charts, bar charts (ordinary bar charts and stack bar charts), line charts, area charts, analysis...