MySQL server has gone away Can the name of the team in the ball battle be modified? _Huajun Software Park
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Can the name of the team in the ball battle be modified?

Author: snack Date: 2016-08-16

    Each team has a different name in the ball battle, so can a team want to change their names? Today, I will introduce it to you in detail.




      In the ball of the ball, before the players establish a team, they will think about what names, some pull wind, some cool, some funny, and some literary and artistic, but after the team is founded, players have When you are dissatisfied with the name, you want to change it. What should I do? Can this team's name be changed? Where can I change it?


    In fact, Xiaobian wants to tell you here that the name of the ball team cannot be changed. If you really want to change the name, the best way is to dissolve the current team, then re -convene the old ministry, re -re -re -call the old ministry, and re -re -re -call it again. Establish a team.


  Therefore, try to think about the appropriate name before setting up a team. Only in this way can you have a suitable team. Come and see the friends.


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