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Password key

Password key

A green tool for managing password information. With this software, you can store all the passwords in an encrypted key file (PWK file). I do n’t know that the password cannot open and view the content of it. Once the password is forgotten, it is impossible to restore the original data of the file, so be sure to keep in mind the password. The encrypted file is very small and can be stored in any place. In the future, we only need to remember the password of the key file, which is equivalent to remembering all the passwords. The key file is highly encrypted, and the security can reach 100 %. Even if the file falls into the hands of others, as long as he does not know the password, the file is a piece of white paper without any sense.

Function introduction

1. New key file
Click the new key file button on the main interface, or select the new key file from the file menu or press Ctrl+N to open the creation dialog box, select the saving position, enter the file name and click to save. After the key file is created, a window that sets the key password will be automatically popped up. If you do not want to use the password, leave empty or click to cancel at the password position. The password is up to 255 characters, supporting Chinese characters, and Chinese characters need to be copied and pasted in.

2. Open the key file
Click the open key file button on the main interface, or select the key file or press Ctrl+O from the file menu, and select the file you want to open. In addition, the file can also be dragged on the software main interface to open the file.

3. Set key password
It is used to set the password of the currently open file. If you cancel the password, leave empty in the new password position.

4. Add password
Add a password record. Select Edit-Add a password, or press CTRL+P to open the addword dialog box.
Password type: There are six types, file documents, website information, e -mail, QQ numbers, bank cards and general passwords.
Title: It is the name displayed by the password. It is recommended to set a name for convenient memory.
Account number: The account name or website user name corresponding to the password, up to 255 characters.
Password: Support all characters on Chinese and English and keyboards, up to 255 characters.
Website: Website address related to passwords.
Remarks: additional information, up to 1023 characters.
Determine and continue: Save the current record and empty the various items waiting for the next record, and do not close the dialog box.

5. Edit password
Used to modify password information. Select Edit-Edit Password, or press Ctrl+M, or double-click a certain item, open the add password dialog box, and modify the confirmation.

6. Delete password
Used to delete password information. Support multi -choice, you can configure the keyboard Ctrl and Shift to complete the choice. This operation cannot be restored.

7. Show and layout
Search: Set up a column of information according to the elevation or order. You can also click the header to sort.
Automatic adjustment column width: automatically distribute each column width to adapt to the content of the project.
Set font: Set the list font.
Display password content: Select the password item in the latter list will be displayed in clearly, otherwise it will be displayed in "*".

8. Options
Select the tool-option, open the option dialog box, there are the following items:
Multiple examples are allowed at the same time: After selecting this item, the software will be able to run many times, otherwise the software can only run one process at the same time, and all operations are completed by this process.
When you open the file, automatically shield the password content: After selecting this item, every time you open a file, the password will automatically restore it into a shielded character that is the "*" symbol.
Clear the texture of the clipboard when exiting: When the software exits, the text data in the clipboard of the system will be removed.
File association: Used to restore file association information. The software will automatically set the association of the key file for the first time. If the PWK file cannot be run, you can click the "Reset the File Related" button to restore the settings.

9. Import and export
Import data: It is used to import a CSV type file into the currently opened file.
Export data: Used to guide the currently opened file content into a CSV text file. Please check the CSV file format.

Version: 1.0 Green Free Edition | Update time: 2017-09-26

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Password Key Comment

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2018-09-02 18:37:40
    The password key is very easy to use, thank you! Intersection
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2019-05-16 00:12:09
    The design of the password key interface is easy to get started, and the function is very rich. I highly recommend it!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2021-08-26 14:08:57
    The password key software is very easy to use, the download speed is fast, very convenient!

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