The iPhone6 ​​mobile phone address book suddenly gone? How to restore the Apple 6 mobile phone number

Time: 2017-10-11Source: Game GuideAuthor: Next

How to restore the Apple 6 mobile phone number? How can I find the iPhone6 ​​mobile phone address book? As one of the most important contact information in mobile phones, we should keep it well. If the contact person's contact suddenly disappears, it will be a very troublesome thing. How can the phone number lost by Apple mobile phone recovery? It is not the same as that of Apple mobile phones and Android phones, and the system is relatively closed, so we want to find the iPhone6's suddenly lost mobile phone address book. We are best to use professional Apple mobile phone data to recover software. Today, I recommend it to you to recommend you Happy mobile phone recovery master, let's take a look at the specific process of restoring the address book of Apple's mobile phone.
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Rebate the preparation tool for the Lost address book of Apple mobile phones:
iphone 6 mobile phone
Computer (Windows and Mac)
Happy mobile phone recovery master
Detailed process of restoring iPhone 6 mobile phone contact:
Step 1: If you want to restore the address book contact person who is lost in the iPhone 6 mobile phone, you need to download the software to recover the master of the happy phone on your computer, and then install and run;
The iPhone6 ​​mobile phone address book suddenly gone? How to restore Apple 6 mobile phone number 509.png
Step 2: Then connect your own Apple mobile phone to the computer to ensure that the data cable is stable and available. After the connection is completed, you can see the "next step" button on the main interface of the software. Click "Start" to enter the data to enter the data. Restore mode;
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Step 3: In this way, the first mode of default: "Restoring through device scanning" has entered the data recovery interface. We can see many data item icons, and now you only need to find the icon of the "address book" to click directly;
 The iPhone6 ​​mobile phone address book suddenly gone? How to restore Apple 6 mobile phone number 665.png
Step 4: After clicking, the software starts to scan related data. After the scan is over, the software will jump to the preview interface of the address book. The deleted address book contacts, orange is the deleted address book data;
Step 5: There may be a lot of address book scanned, so we can enter keywords for searching. We can also click only displayed the deleted button for switching. Finally The button to return to the device can be restored directly to the phone.
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How to restore the Apple 6 mobile phone number, we can download the happy mobile phone recovery master for scanning and recovery. The happy mobile phone recovery master can directly restore the communication record to the phone. It is very convenient. I believe that many friends have this need. It is also possible to guide the communication to the computer for saving to form a backup, just click "Return to the computer".

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