Three compression principles: volumetric, solid and self-extracting

Time: 2017-06-13Source: Huajun InformationAuthor: youngest

2345 Good pressure
2345 Good pressure

Introduction to volume compression

Volume compression is a part of splitting compressed files and supports ZIP and 7Z compressed file formats. Volume compression is usually used when saving large compressed files to several disks or removable disks.

Default volume naming rules:

ZIP format: name.z<number>;

7Z format: name.7z.<number>;

Use of forum-specific volumes:

It is not displayed by default. It appears after you enter a value in the volume size input box. It is suitable for forum uploaded volumes and can only be opened with 2345 good pressure.

Naming rules for forum-specific volumes:

ZIP format: name.haozip<number>.zip;

7Z format: name.haozip<number>.7z;

Solid volume:

The first self-extracting volume has a different file extension, for example .exe for a DOS self-extracting volume.

In addition to selecting the options in the drop-down box, the volume input box also supports free input of size and unit (KB, MB, etc.).

It is not possible to add, update or delete files to a volume after it is created.

Unzip the volumes:

To unzip volumes, you must start with the first volume (with a .7z or .zip extension). If the volumes exist on non-removable disks such as hard drives, you must place all volumes in the same folder before decompressing.

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