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How to unlock the characteristics of various characters in Hades

Author: Xiaoyuer Date: 2021-01-01

Black Emperor-Chinese Version

Online game Occupy: 35.29MB Time: 2020-09-22

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Recently, many cute new players have said that they are not clear how to unlock each character in Hadis's game? So today I have brought players to the introduction of the goodness of the goodness of Hades' characters. You can take a look at the following content.


If you give the Knicks, the Knicks gives you a night shawl to give you a gift. After you give her six honey wine, you need to complete her commission before you can continue to give the gift. Will give you a gift again.

Knicks commissioned

The commission of Knicks is part of the prediction table and requires you to let her reunite with Kylos. After Clas and Knicks have a good feelings, Knicks will tell you that she has felt the attempts of Karus to communicate with her. She will notify you later that she cannot see Karus from Dad's room, but you can use a certain amount of "black crystal" to repair it. House contractors will need 8888 "black crystals" to upgrade. After purchasing, the Knicks will use the ancient seal to visit the chaos field, and you can even meet her in escaping. When she returns to Hades House, her favor will no longer be locked, you can give her immortal wine.

How to unlock the goodness of Hadis to unlock the game characters.


If you give the Caram Wine Cagols, you will give you the salute of the cosmic eggs. After you give him six honey wine, you need to complete his entrustment before you can continue to give gifts to the entrustment. But he won't give you a gift anymore.

Commissioned by Karos

The commission of Clas and the commission of Knicks are part of the same event, which requires you to let the two meet again to fulfill a list of fate in the fate prophecy. After sending him six honey wines, Claus will reveal that they try to get in touch with Knicks according to the suggestion of Zag. Later, the Knicks will instruct you to upgrade the ancient marks in the administrative management room as a bridge to chaos, which will allow you to spend 8888 "black crystals" at the house contractor. After buying, you can find the Knicks in the door of Chaos, and Carse said they are happy to be able to re -establish contact with their daughters. From then on, you can hand over the fairy wine to Karus.

How to unlock the goodness of Hadis to unlock the game characters.


If you give Karong Mi, Karon will give you a bone hourglass as a gift.

Card Rong can only reach 6.

Sleeping God Shuos Hypnos

If you give him honey wine, he will give back to the Hamiyu coin purse.

Good feelings are six hearts.

Tanasus Thanatos

If he gives him a honey wine, Tanasus will give you back to the butterflies that you are punctured. After giving him six bottles of honey wine, his favor will be locked until you complete his commission. After completing his entrustment, he would give his companion Mot a return to Tanasus.


Tanasus's commission is not a dialogue, but more as a narrative incident between Zag and Tanasus.

After defeating Tanasus after 6 honey wine, he will randomly trigger a discussion between the two, that is, discussions about Zag with the help without Tanasus enough to escape from the underworld. Once Zag proves his strength to Tanasus, you can give him immortal wine when he meets Tanasus in Hades.


Maintaining the maximum affinity with Tanasus will unlock a scene in Zag's room. In this scene, Zag can start a relationship with him or continue to be a friend. Tanasus, Moji and Tussauds can maintain the relationship between couples at the same time without negative impact.


If he gives her honey wine, Moji will give you back to your skull earrings. After giving her six bottles of honey wine, her goodwill will be locked until you complete her commission. After completing her entrustment, she would give her companion bat back to Mo Jixian.


After a few of the three sisters who defeated the fate several times, Moji would approach him in Zag's room and told him that she just stopped his escape because she had to do so. (This requires Moji to collect her items in Zag's room first.) After interaction, Megaera can receive immortal wine next time when he meets her in Hades.

There is no need to enable the "extreme measures" conditions for the "Punishment Convention".


Keeping with Moji with a good feeling that Zag will be able to start with her romantic relationship or continue to be friends. Tanatos, Dusa and Megaera can become couples at the same time without negative impact.

Alekto Alecto

The second sister cannot get honey or fairy wine.


Sanmei cannot get honey or fairy wine.

Zeus Zeus

If Zeusmi is given, Zeus will give you a thunder seal.


During the escape process, the blessings of Zeus and the Winter God's wishes, and the blessings of the double gods need to be completed. The fourth and fifth Lord blessings need to be Zeus, and the Winter God will not be completed as the last Lord's blessing.

Poseidon Poseidon

If you give Poseidon honey wine, he will give you a conch shell.

The second uncle had only four hearts.

How to unlock the goodness of Hadis to unlock the game characters.

Athena Athena

If you give Athena, she will give you back to your owl pendant.

Athena has only four hearts.

Artemis Artemis

If he gives honey wine, she will give you a hard arrow.

Although the favorability of the hunting god is locked, Wiki did not mention the conditions for unlocking.

Aris Ares

If you give the God of War, he will give you a bottle of congestion.

Ares has only four hearts.

Durenos dionysus

If you give the wine honey wine, he will give you a full wine glass.

The goodwill of the wine god has only four hearts.

Hermes Hermes

If he gives Hermes, he will give you a light feathers.

Hermes has only five hearts.

Demol demeter

If you give me the honey wine, she will give you back the frozen horn.

I feel like there are only four hearts.


After you try to escape for the third time, you can talk to him and get the manuscript of the underworld.

If he gives him honey wine, Achilles will give you back to Milly Winter's wrist.

Achilles has only six hearts.


If you give you nectar, Russia will give you a distant memory.

After giving him 5 cups of nectar, Offez will start singing again. He quoted Zagris's determination to be inspired, although he lost his muse goddess. Since then, when Zagris returns home, he occasionally hear the singing of Orer.

How to unlock the goodness of Hadis to unlock the game characters.


After you can encounter the Six Hearts of Outick, Outick and Ols, you can trigger the meeting task after you buy a contract from the contractor. Our Diut saw the Roths, and you can give it to the Olhazhaxian wine afterwards.

Oli Dick EuryDice

If you give him nectar, Ooli Dick will give you evergreen rubber.

After completing the entrustment of the Roths and Oli Dick, you can give it to the Oli Dick Fairy.

Sisyphus Sisyphus

If you give him nectar, Sisyphus will give you the shackles of broken. After 5 bottles of nectar, you will lock more gifts until you complete his task.

After completing his entrustment, giving Sisyphus Xianwan will give your companions a cool gift.


Sisyphus's commission includes reducing his punishment.

This includes discussing the punishment of Sisyphus with Sisyphus, Moji and Hardis. After doing this, you can purchase the penalty of the villain king from the house contractor (10 diamonds). After doing this, you can send Sicisians.

The completion of Sisyphus's commission also completed the end of the torture prophecy in the list of fate.

Pat Rockelus Patrollus

If you give Put Rockelis, he will give you a flickering spear head.

Prot Rockeus has only 6 hearts.

Bull head Asleas Asterius

Astris cannot be presented to honey or immortal wine.

How to unlock the goodness of Hadis to unlock the game characters.

Tussauds DUSA

If you give Tussham, Tussauds will give back Harbal Pedda. After six hearts, you need to complete the commission of Tussauds to continue to give his fairy wine. After giving the first bottle of Tussauds, I will receive a companion Sali as a gift.

Dusha's commission

Tussa -Dusha's commission is about the decoration of the lounge, and she is already behind in this regard. Zag must help her raise the lounge to the standard of New York City, and use the housing contractor to complete the key decoration of at least twelve times. mark. This can complete a prophecy and unlock the favorability

Tussauds' love

The love of Tussauds is different from others, and more and more fairy wines to send Tussais; her first gift only needs 1 bottle, the subsequent gifts need 2 bottles, and then 3 bottles, until her last gift is 5 bottles of 5 bottles Essence

After giving Tussa -Tenth gift, she would talk to Zagris with a conversation. Tussauds explained that she had realized that she was not looking for a close relationship, nor was he attracted by him in this way. They agree to "always be friends", but as Zagris pointed out, this is a form of love in itself.

After the last romantic conversation, Tussauds will take the initiative to return all the immortal wines she gets; Zagris may retract them or convince her as a gift they want. Negative impact.

Zag can maintain a couple with Tussa, Death, and Moji at the same time.

The above is the introduction of the unlocking conditions of Hades's various characters brought by the author. Interested friends should not miss it.

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