• Expansion Class Cloud Interactive Platform
    Tuojiao Cloud Interactive Platform focuses on providing full -time solutions for online education. Real -time audio and video interactive classrooms have a high -quality classroom interactive experience and cover a variety of teaching scenarios. Low latency, high guarantee, cross -platform, multi -terminal, online teaching, offline experience, and ensure teaching effects. The development of class cloud interactive platform is developed based on WebRTC technology, providing users with an integrated full -scene solution, supporting the connection of the SAAS layer and SA
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  • Growing up smart campus management platform together
    Effectively integrate teaching, moral education, security, logistics, management related information resources on campus, provide more diverse and valuable services and applications for the school, and fully meet the needs of school management, teacher teaching, student learning and home school activities , Create a smart environment for campus integrated. Smart campus products include basic platforms, education management, campus office, teacher growth, moral education management, general affairs logistics, home school interaction, and read eight modules together
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  • Wei Zhongyun Class
    Wei Zhongyun Class is a new type of teaching and training model constructed by modern information technology such as computer technology, multimedia technology, and network communication technology. It is a combination of modern education concepts, teaching content, and modern information technology. Kaiwei Zhongyun Class with a variety of functions is a kind of modern information technology means such as computer technology, multimedia technology, and network communication technology.
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  • Weizhong IT Teaching Cloud Platform
    The Weizhong IT Teaching Cloud Platform adopts the B/S architecture to perfectly combine teaching, training, and practical combat to provide a comprehensive one -stop teaching and practical experience. The platform combines a large number of plug -in and modules. It's easier and more efficient. Fully combine new education models such as hybrid teaching and flipping classrooms with new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to improve the level of informatization and digital teaching, improve the quality of practical teaching teaching
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  • Haiyun Tianyun Exam Platform
    The "Haiyun Tianyun Examination Platform" provides high -efficiency, safe and flexible full -process online examination system; suitable for various examinations, exercises, competitions, written tests, etc. for government -enterprise customers, making the exams more convenient, focusing on improving the level of examination management, saving examinations for examinations cost. 1. Product characteristics: 1) Simple and easy-to-use-high-efficiency and intelligent, guided operation interface, quickly create a large number of test questions such as registration, examinations, question banks, etc.
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  • Sand Box Experiment-Mobile Application Development
    Huawei's developer Interactive Training Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory learns the open ability of Harmonyos/HMSCORE through hands -on actual combat projects, and then master the development capabilities of HarMonyos/HMSCORE applications (1) Harmonyos application development technology training around HarMonyOS application development technology system Teachers and students or enterprises of the application software development foundation
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  • Smart college welcome management system
    The digital welcome management system is an important part of the entire digital campus. Standardize the school's welcoming process, improve the school's welcoming efficiency, use modern information technology, use the network as the communication medium, multi -terminal business needs, and help schools welcome work. Zhilifeng (Wuhan Zhilifeng Information Technology Co., Ltd.) has a strong technical research and development and service team that provides a customer -centric service capabilities, including pre -sale and solution
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  • C30 Education Cloud Open Platform
    The domestic first -class technology company represented by the C30 Education Cloud Open Platform and the integration of the upstream and downstream industrial chain to provide overall solutions for smart teaching for basic education, vocational education and higher education in my country. Mu Kun Technology is a large -scale education technology group serving basic education, vocational education and higher education, and is committed to "science and technology empower education". Through the in -depth cooperation of head -holding, strategic investment, and in -depth cooperation with head enterprises in the education industry
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  • Primary and secondary school post -school service information management platform
    "Primary and secondary school post -school service information management platform" is an intelligent management system for providing curriculum resources and management services for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. The platform provides intelligent one -stop solutions for school characteristic curriculum requirements and post -school delay services. "Primary and secondary school post -school service information management platform" realizes the sharing of off -school resources cooperation, and provides rich teaching resources for "opening school -run education". The platform courses are diverse,
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  • Double reduction digital platform
    Intelligent management systems for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens to provide curriculum resource options and management services. The platform provides intelligent one -stop solutions for school characteristic curriculum requirements and post -school delay services. There are various forms of platform courses, online AI courses, online and offline integration inquiry courses, offline practice experience
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Total number: 718