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"Analyst" is a statistical analysis tool that integrates data management, statistical analysis, and report output. It can directly run Python, R, and SQL codes:
1 Python engine, editor and commonly used Python modules: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, scikit-image, pandas, pymc, nilearn, astroML, statsmodels, astropy
2 R engine, editor and commonly used packages: utils, methods, graphics, grDevices, stats, grid, lattice, nlme, MASS, rpart, splines, cluster, foreign, parallel, spatial, survival, boot, stats4,KernSmooth,nnet,tools,class,zoo,lmtest,gridExtra,tseries,quadprog,mvtnorm,multcomp,Hmisc,rms,psych,GPArotation,gof,Matrix,arules
3. Multiple built-in statistical analysis templates:
ARIMA modeling and forecasting, cluster analysis, correlation analysis, discriminant analysis, distribution analysis, factor analysis, generalized linear models, linear regression, logistic regression, nonlinear regression, one-way ANOVA, principal components, summary statistics, t-test.
4 "analyzer" using SQLite database, SAS sas7bdat file
(directly supports reading, writing, creating and updating) and xls files as data sources. Generated reports can be displayed on the device screen, or saved as pdf files, viewed via the built-in pdf view, emailed as attachments, and printed. Analyzer can import .txt, .csv, .xls, .xpt, .sav, .dta format files, these files can be copied from the computer through iTunes file sharing. Or create a new dataset manually via a view.

Version: 3 | Update time: 2017-03-07

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Analyst Comments

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2017-09-18 08:30:54
    Analyst The download process is very smooth, good, and you can use it on your Android tablet as usual after downloading!
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2020-01-03 22:06:28
    The analyzer is installed and indeed the latest version.
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2017-11-03 22:05:19
    The analyst who downloaded it here can use it on different Android phones of my friends and I. Good reviews!

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