Dudu-Online novel reading expert

Dudu is a tool that facilitates close contact between readers and book lovers. It can keep an eye on the updates of Qidian Novel 24 hours a day. You can set it as you like: automatically start Reading when you turn on the computer, automatically log in to the starting point website, automatically vote for your favorite novels, automatically minimize the main window at the beginning, check for updates when subscribing to new books, automatically check the novel update interval, etc. wait. The editor of Huajun provides you with various software downloads. The latest, funniest and most comprehensive software is all in the Huajun Software Park.
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Dudu-Online novel reading expert

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Dudu is a tool that facilitates close contact between readers and book lovers. It can keep an eye on the updates of Qidian Novel 24 hours a day. You can set it as you like: automatically start Reading when you turn on the computer, automatically log in to the starting point website, automatically vote for your favorite novels, automatically minimize the main window at the beginning, check for updates when subscribing to new books, automatically check the novel update interval, etc. wait. The editor of Huajun provides you with various software downloads. The latest, funniest and most comprehensive software is all in the Huajun Software Park.