Computer level encyclopedia

Computer Proficiency Encyclopedia, the National Computer Level 2 Examination adopts a hundred-point scoring system, and the results are notified to the candidates in terms of ranking scores. The grades are divided into four grades: "failed", "passed", "good" and "excellent". 100-90 is classified as "excellent", 89-80 is classified as "good", 79-60 is classified as "passing", and 59-0 is classified as "failed". Candidates can choose Ms Office advanced application textbooks and various question bank training books compiled by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education. The editor of Huajun has compiled and recommended various free computer proficiency software for everyone. Come and download it now!
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Computer level encyclopedia

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Computer Proficiency Encyclopedia, the National Computer Level 2 Examination adopts a hundred-point scoring system, and the results are notified to the candidates in terms of ranking scores. The grades are divided into four grades: "failed", "passed", "good" and "excellent". 100-90 is classified as "excellent", 89-80 is classified as "good", 79-60 is classified as "passing", and 59-0 is classified as "failed". Candidates can choose Ms Office advanced application textbooks and various question bank training books compiled by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education. The editor of Huajun has compiled and recommended various free computer proficiency software for everyone. Come and download it now!