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360 mobile guard

360 mobile guard

  • Size: 39.91 m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Mobile phone safety
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Beijing Qiyuan Technology Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

Recommend for you: 360 software Security tool

The official version of the 360 ​​mobile phone guard is a mobile phone security tool created for the mobile phone. The Android version of the 360 ​​mobile defender connects people with security, providing a full range of mobile security management services for 1 billion users. 360 mobile guards also offer functions such as one -click weight loss, mobile phone antivirus, cleaning acceleration, and many special features such as WeChat cleaning and powerful anti -virus.

360 mobile guard function introduction

[Clean up and accelerate] One -click acceleration solution to the depth of the card slowly cleanup and release space

[Harassing interception] 360 mobile guard Android version of intelligent interception junk text messages harassing calls are no longer annoying

[Traffic surveillance] Real -time monitoring of mobile phone traffic automatically calibration, saving money and worry

[Paying a bodyguard] 360 mobile guard Android version fully guards the payment environment, mobile phone compensation to ensure security

[Powerful antivirus] 360 mobile guard Android version has 360 professional anti -virus engine Trojan horses virus without having a good shape

[Software Management] 360 mobile guard Android version allows you to easily say goodbye to pre -installed software mobile phone applications safe and pure

360 Mobile Guard Software Features

      1), anti -harass call, spam message

Add junk text messages and harassing calls to blacklists to help you intercept all kinds of harassment.

Junk information and harassment call records provide icon reminders to avoid disturbing you.

Flexible setting the interception rules, you can tailor the prevention of harassment.

      2) Privacy encryption to protect personal information

Call the call of the privacy space contact in the privacy space to prevent others from peeking and protect privacy security.

The name of the privacy space can be modified, such as "work information" to avoid suspicion.

Privacy space can be set to set a password, and only the owner of the mobile phone can enter.

Privacy SMS can also be restored to the mobile phone inbox, backup important information.

Crypting privacy space to protect the privacy leak caused by the loss of mobile phones.

The call and SMS of privacy contacts can be reminded in special methods such as icons and vibrations, so that you can distinguish and view SMS.

      3) Display caller number area

Display the number of belonging and operator information when answering and calling.

You can choose a variety of style of belonging to show your personality.

      4) The common number yellow page is simple and practical

Provide ticket booking, bank insurance, life commonly used, operators, aviation services 5 common numbers inquiries, and can quickly call or send text messages.

How to use 360 ​​mobile guards

1. Open the 360 ​​mobile guard APP, select "mobile phone anti -virus", and first scan the phone quickly.

2. Rapid scanning the software that has been installed in the phone, including the preset software in the system.

3. You can also scan the mobile phone with a full scan and detect the installation package files stored in the mobile phone, which can prevent viruses and malware from infringing your personal privacy and the security of the phone bill. Use full scanning, and the anti -virus will be more thorough.

4. In the process of antivirus, you can also use the "Kung Fu Trojan Special Kill" function. This function can help you completely remove the Trojan and protect the healthy and safe of your mobile phone.

5. In the function of mobile phone anti -virus, there is also a "security log" function. Click "Safety Log". Here is a record of the operation results of anti -virus scanning.

360 mobile guards 360 mobile guards common problems

      Q: How to use the 360 ​​mobile guard backup function?

Answer: Click on privacy protection, then click, mobile phone backup, click data backup. Check the content that needs to be backup. If one day you need to restore the data, click to restore the data, and select the recovery content.

      Q: How to use 360 ​​mobile phone guard code scanning function?

Answer: 1. In the main interface of the 360 ​​mobile guard, click the "toolbox" in the functional bar below the interface; in the "toolbox" interface of the 360 ​​mobile phone guard "One, click the" Add "button on the right;

360 mobile guard

2. After the addition is completed, in the "My Tool" column, click the "Security Code Scan" function button to scan the code in the "Security Code" interface.

360 mobile guard

Similar software comparison

      Kingsoft Mobile GuardThe official version is a mobile phone protection tool specially created for Android mobile phones. In the latest version of Kingsoft Mobile Guard, the hidden dangers of your mobile phone are relieved by checking system vulnerabilities, scanning risk software, and checking deduction records to ensure the safety of Android phones and phone bills. Kingsoft mobile guards also provide system information inspection, process management, restart mobile phone, memory compression Wait for practical functions.

      Tencent Mobile ManagerThe Android version is a software that is officially produced by Tencent in Tencent's security prevention. Tencent Mobile Manager Android version is a free mobile phone security and management software. It combines one -click physical examination, mobile phone acceleration, intelligent power saving, traffic monitoring, harassment interception The functions of mobile phone tokens, mobile phone anti -theft, virus check and privacy protection. Tencent mobile steward is both a security expert and a caring steward. It protects your wireless life at 360 °!

360 mobile guard update log

Optimize product experience and solve known problems

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

360 mobile guards closely connect people with security, providing all -round mobile security management services for 1 billion users, 360 mobile phone defense spam messages, anti -harassment calls, anti -privacy leaks, and comprehensively protect your mobile phone security. Interested users can download and use them in the Huajun Software Park. In addition, there are many similar software for downloads, such as: app stores, QFile, voting and ticketing experts.

Version: 8.9.8 | Update time: 2024-06-07

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360 mobile guard comment

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2022-03-01 18:53:55
    The 360 ​​mobile guard has been installed, and it is indeed the latest version.
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2022-01-26 20:34:28
    Recently, many people have recommended 360 mobile guards, and it is not bad to experience it.
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2022-03-31 14:43:05
    The content of 360 mobile guards is very high, and it is the latest version. I can use different Android versions with my classmates.

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