How to open a self-defined room in the gold shovel

Time: 2024-09-04Source: Game GuideAuthor: early morning

The battle of gold shovel is a strategic game that is loved by players. Its unique gameplay and rich game mode brings endless fun and challenges to players. Whether it is a player who likes the strategy game or the loyal fans of the League of Legends, they can find their own fun in this game. Each player can get fair competition opportunities in the game. The game official will regularly update the game content, including new heroes, new equipment, new maps, etc., to maintain the freshness and challenge of the game. At the same time, the game also provides rich social functions, allowing players to communicate with other players, share experiences, and jointly improve the game level. Next, let Huajun Xiaobian answer how to open a self -defined room and a gold shovel to open the self -defined room!

First step

Click the "Start Game" button in the lower right corner of the game, which will take you into the game mode selection interface. In this interface, you can choose different game modes, but please note that in order to open the custom room, you need to choose options that support the custom mode (if so, because not all modes support customization). If the game directly provides the "custom room" option, select it directly.

Step 2

After selecting the game mode, click the "Start Game" button in the lower right corner to find the interface of the game.

Step 3

Looking for the line interface and finding the shape of the flag shape in the lower left corner. This button is actually a team recruitment button. Click this button, you will be able to send a team to invite the chat channel in the game.

Step 4

After the team invited to the chat channel, you need to wait for other game friends to see and accept your invitation. If a friend accepts invitations, they will join your custom room.

Step 5

In some versions of the Battle of Golden shovel, after entering the custom room, you may also set up specific game rules, such as choosing maps, adjusting the economy acquisition speed, and limiting available heroes. The specific options of these settings may vary from the game version.

Step 6

When your custom room has enough players (usually a certain number of players, the specific number may vary from the game settings), and all players are ready, you can click "Find the right game" or similar to similar The button to start the game.

The above is how the golden shovel compiled by Hua Jun for you how to open a self -defined room and the method of opening the self -defined room. I hope to help you!

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