How to picnic the peace elite-the recipe of the peace elite picnic

Time: 2024-07-18Source: Game GuideAuthor: early morning

Peace Elite is a tactical competitive mobile game that is loved by players with its unique game characteristics, excellent quality and rich gameplay content. The game supports players and friends to play games for players and relatives and friends. Enjoy the fun together. The team mode not only increases the sociality of the game, but also allows players to play their own strengths and advantages in the team to deal with challenges together. The game has a built -in voice chat function. Players can communicate with teammates in real time in the game. This convenient way to communicate allows players to pass information and instructions faster, and improve the efficiency and tacit understanding of teamwork. Then let Huajun Xiaobian answer how the peace elite picnic and peace elite picnic!

First step

First, you need to choose the island map as your game scene and successfully enter the game.

Step 2

After the game starts, you need to go to the Z city on the map. City Z is a beautiful place, suitable for picnic and other activities.

Step 3

After arriving at City Z, you need to go left until you find a maple. The iconic landscape and color of Maple Forest will help you easily identify it.

Step 4

Around the maple, you will find a specific picnic location. This position usually has props related to picnic cloth, basket or other picnic as a mark.

Step 5

After near the picnic position, you will see an interactive button (such as "picnic" or similar icons). Click this button, your role will start picnic.

Step 6

After starting a picnic, your character will sit on a picnic cloth, and you may hold food or drinks in your hands. At this point, you can switch to the first perspective to observe your role closer. Interestingly, during a picnic, your role may show some casual activities, such as playing with mobile phones, and the icon of "Peace Elite" may be displayed on the phone, which is an egg in the game.

Step 7

After the picnic, you can continue your game, explore other areas of the island map, fight with other players or find more game fun.

The above is how the peace elites compiled by Hua Jun for you and the method of picnic picnic in peace elite. I hope to help you!

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