How to open the text to the text-to-text function-how to open the text to the text to the picture function

Time: 2022-07-03Source: Huajun Software TutorialAuthor: Ai Xiao Mo

Do you know how SNIPASTTE has opened the text to the picture? Today, I will explain the method of opening the text to the text of the text. Let ’s take a look with Xiaobian. I hope it can help everyone.

Step 1: Right -click the "SNIPASTE" icon, select the "First Options ..." column item in the expanded drop -down box.

Step 2: In the "Snipaste First Options" interface, click the "Patch" option above.

Step 3: In the "Patch" option, check the check -in switch of the "Text to Picture" option.

Step 4: The "Text Turn Picture" option can be displayed as "√".

The above is how the Snipaste brought by Xiaobian to everyone how to open the full content of the text to the text, I hope to help everyone.

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