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2024-09-11 11:56:51 4 software

Download the highway classroom to the Huajun Software Park. This not only provides you with the latest version of the highway classroom, but also provides you with similar software downloads in high -end classrooms, free high -speed download, one -click green installation, more, better, safer Free software for you to download. Want to learn more about the latest green free software at home and abroad, download more content, download in Huajun software!

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Online learning tool Gaolu classroom PC client

PC software Android software

The latest version of Gao Road V9.0.3.32

Software size: 138.54 2024-04-30

The official version of the Gaomu classroom is a very popular online learning software. The official version of the Gaomu classroom supports regular assessment, repeated training, and supports online learning anytime, anywhere. Can be unlimited by geographical restrictions, listen to famous teachers at home, fully support platforms such as mobile phones, computers, iPads and other platforms. Huajun Software Park provides you with the official version of Gao Tu Class, the latest version of download ...

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The latest version of Gao Du Class V9.0.5.49

Software size: 141.56 2024-04-17

The latest version of the PC client of Gaolu Class is an online learning software specially created for primary and secondary schools. The PC side of the Gaomu classroom is specially created for children aged 3 to 18, covering the entire subject of Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, physics, chemistry and other aims to learn resources. Gaolu classroom client has built -in veteran teachers online live teaching, which can effectively ...

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Gaolu classroom for mac
The latest version

Software size: 118 2024-04-17

The latest edition of the Takaya Classroom Formac is an online learning tool suitable for students. Gao Ting Class FOR There are many teachers in the official version of MAC that can provide learning counseling in all aspects, and they will directly mail the lectures to the user's home after the registration course. And the highway class foror MAC also uses dual -teacher interaction ...

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