- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
Function introduction
1. Save the table structure and data in the database to EXCEL.
2. Synchronize the data in EXCEL to the database.
3. When the table structure changes, the data will not be lost.
4. What changes have occurred to the data in the table before and after the program is executed?
5. Based on the table structure in EXCEL, generate the SQL text of the table creation statement.
6. When multiple users use this software, they can record a user's operations on the database at any time.
7. Data can be automatically generated for stress testing.
8. Export the table structure and perform differences based on the table structure and the table structure in the database.
9. Export the DB structure and compare the table structure with the existing environment DB
10. Export the user-defined table structure, import according to the table structure, and perform database verification on EXCEL before importing data.
and business logic verification.
11. Unit testing and combined testing solutions.
it works
it works
it works