Software features
Digital original handwriting does not change the habits of class notes and homework. All teaching and learning materials of teachers and students are saved in the cloud and can be viewed and recalled at any time.
Precise teaching
Real-time classroom interaction helps teachers understand students' classroom learning situations, adjust teaching content and rhythm in a timely manner, and improve classroom teaching efficiency.
Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude
The system intelligently analyzes relevant data such as students' classroom exercises, after-class homework, and stage tests, and accordingly puts forward relevant learning suggestions for individual students and implements personalized teaching.
Efficiently improve
Completely record students' learning trajectories, accurately reflect students' real learning situations, and carry out targeted independent learning for efficient improvement.
Change log
New content
1: Added control log and upload functions
Software optimization
1: When the control program is started, a new "Starting" interface is added;
2: When the program is locked, if the program crashes, the log report interface will no longer pop up;
1: Black screen problem caused by program lock screen;
2: Fixed the issue where the program update progress bar is hidden under the virtual desktop when users under control click on the virtual desktop during the upgrade process;
3: Fixed the issue where the page remains in the login state when the client user logs in without entering a password;
it works
it works
it works