- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
JAVA needs to be installed on your system. To convert the model into machine-understandable code, you need to use Skeinforge, which is written in python, so you also need to install Python 2.6.
Install driver
Under the unzipped folder, there is a drivers directory, which contains the FTDI USB driver folder. In My Computer->Management->Device Management, select the device where the driver needs to be installed, and select the location of the driver's folder. Install the driver.
If you have already installed the Arduino driver, you can skip this step.
1. Set up your machine
If this is your first time using ReplicatorG, you need to connect the printer to the computer first and select your device driver in the Machine->Driver menu. If it is the Thing-O-Matic MK6 model (3mm filament), you can select Thing- O-Matic w/ HBP and Extruder MK6, if it is Thing-O-Matic MK7 model (1.75 filament), you can choose Thing-O-Matic w/ HBP and Extruder MK7.
Select device driver
The machine is connected to the computer via USB. You need to set which port ReplicatorG chooses. Select it through Machine->Serial Port.
After selecting the correct port, ReplicatorG will connect to the device. If the connection is successful, the status bar will be green. If not, it will be red. Please check whether the USB cable is connected or the power is on.
2. Calibrate the print head
Select File->Scripts->calibration->Thing-O-Matic calibration.gcode
Then click
Calibrate the print head according to the instructions in the pop-up box.
Correction method:
Translate in the X direction so that the print head is in the center of the X axis (i.e., the center of the table in the X direction)
Translate in the Y direction so that the print head is in the center of the Y axis (i.e., the center of the table in the Y direction)
Rotate the Z-axis screw and move the print head downward so that the print head is attached to the build platform (only the thickness of an A4 paper should be maintained)
Calibration is completed, please click the confirmation dialog box. The Thing-O-Matic will automatically return to its original position. When completed, the Correction Completed dialog box will appear. Congratulations!
3. Print from stl file
Open STL file
Open STL file via File->Open
After selecting the STL file, you can see the 3D model display
The model will be inside a 10x10x10cm cube, which shows the maximum size you can print.
You can rotate and zoom this view with the mouse.
4. Manipulate 3D models
In Preview view,
You can zoom, rotate; or select "XY" to view the view as follows:
You can select Scale to perform actual scaling of the printed model:
You can select Rotate to perform actual rotation of the printed model:
You can select Move to print the actual position of the model:
After the modification is completed, you may need to save it first.
5. Generate Gcode for printing
Click Generate GCode in the lower middle to generate GCode for printing.
Select a Skeinforge profile, choose Thing-O-Matic-HBP-MK6 (for 3mm filament) or Thing-O-Matic-HBP-MK7 (for 1.75 filament).
Check Use raft to indicate whether a bottom backing layer is required when printing. It is recommended to check.
Use Print-O-Matic select check, check
For the print head of MK6, keep it as default.
Printhead settings changes for MK7:
Layer Height(mm): changed to 0.30, Filament Diameter(mm) in Plastic: changed to 1.8, Nozzle Diameter(mm) in Extruder: changed to 0.4.
The rest remains unchanged.
Click Generate Gcode to start generating Gcode.
(Depending on the size and complexity of the model, the time to generate Gcode is different)
Then start printing~
it works
it works
it works