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Location: front page————iOS software————iPad software————Social software ———— Corporate WeChat
Corporate WeChat

Corporate WeChat v3.1.18

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  • Software authorization: Free software
  • Software size: 45.50MB
  • Software score:
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Update time: 2022-01-14
  • Application platform: Ipad
  • Software language: Simplified Chinese
  • Version: v3.1.18

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Enterprise WeChat section Logo
The WeChat Enterprise iPad version is an enterprise -level communication platform specially built by Tencent for the enterprise unit. The WeChat Enterprise Edition iPad version can help enterprises improve the internal and external instant messaging efficiency. Essence As early as 2014, WeChat launched WeChat Enterprise. The positioning of the enterprise is the connection device of the Internet of the enterprise. It is hoped that the enterprise number will unify the entrance of the enterprise to connect the ecosystem of the company's online and offline. In order to unify the entrance of the enterprise to the internal and external entrances, the enterprise number directly connects the enterprise system, and adopts a completely open ecology. Enterprises can freely choose ISV manufacturers to customize and apply, not only to achieve internal collaborative management of the enterprise, but also the company's mobile OA. Software characteristics WeChat itself is a social application. If it is superimposed on this basis, it will not only become heavier in the product, but the entrance will be too deep. After the independent enterprise version of WeChat, on the one hand, it can reduce the burden on WeChat, and on the other hand, it can supplement the IM function of the WeChat enterprise number to provide users with a real one -stop office platform. Compared with nails or other collaborative office software, the company uses WeChat Enterprise No. to improve office efficiency to the company on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can provide foreign services to benefit enterprises and connect the upstream and downstream of the enterprise. After the launch of the WeChat Enterprise Edition, in addition to the various companies can still choose ISV manufacturers to develop applications, Tencent will also provide support from basic functions such as IM to enrich and improve this mobile app product. Regardless of whether it is nailing, enjoying customers, or red circle marketing, these softwares are basically to improve the efficiency of the internal business or part of the business, mainly for the internal of the company, and the WeChat enterprise version that is about to be launched. While improving internal efficiency, it is also necessary to connect the company's partners and customers of the enterprise, including the service number after opening the service number, can do accurate advertising and marketing behaviors. These are the advantages of WeChat. With the launch of the WeChat Enterprise Edition and the gradual integration of the enterprise number, the WeChat Enterprise Edition not only has the determination to connect all the work related to work, but also has a unique resource support. Update log The whole platform is launched simultaneously, and the news cloud synchronizes You can send text, voice, picture and file communication work Important information uses the message of receipt to ensure that it is reached Reminder for the meeting and to be settled to avoid forgetting Communicate with public phone calls, you can participate more at the same time Binding Tencent Enterprise mailboxes, receiving new email reminders in real -time The seal announcement can convey the company's information to all employees You can easily complete the attendance, leave and reimbursement on your mobile phone After get off work, take a break to enter the work -free mode Skills Can add members in four ways: Method 1: Single adding membership Click "Address"-"Add Member", and the editor's name, English ID, position, department, gender, mobile phone, landline, personal mailbox and other information. The names, mobile phones, and departments are required. Method two: File import 1. "Calculation"-"" Batch Import ", select" File Import "; 2. Download the file template. According to the format of the template, edit the names, English IDs, duties, department, gender, mobile phone, landline, personal mailbox and other information. The names, mobile phones, and departments are required. 3. After editing the file, upload the file, and click import to import members into the address book in batches. The members can log in after verifying the mobile phone or mailbox. Method 3: Introduce WeChat Enterprise Number Illustrations 1. Fight "address book"-"batch import", select "Import WeChat Enterprise Number Calculation"; 2. Alert the authority to access to the address book by WeChat to scan+password through WeChat. If the prompt cannot be repeatedly authorized, please log in to the management background of the Enterprise, in the "Service Center"-"Enterprise Session", cancel the authorization of other services, and then try to import the address book; 3. After importing, the members can log in after verifying the mobile phone or mailbox. Method 4: Introduce Tencent Enterprise Mailbox Merbers 1. Fight "address book"-"batch import", select "Import Tencent Enterprise Mail Mail address book"; 2. After entering the authority of the company's postal account password, authorize the authority to access the address book of the enterprise WeChat, and you can import the communication records of the enterprise mailbox to the corporate WeChat; 3. After importing the members, the members can log in after verifying the mobile phone or mailbox. Enterprise WeChat Add member and departmental method Second, adding department Click the triangle symbol next to the "address book" department or add the sub -department in the upper right corner of the member list. At the same time, it has also provided operations such as modifying the name of the department and adjusting department. User evaluation Henmei4434: This software is still more practical. Personally like it, many things can be done through this software. Qingzhiyu Sunny: The software is simple and easy to use, and the interface is very clear. It can easily find the functions they want from various locations. Colleagues can also use this software to communicate well and communicate. Editor's saying For a company who wants to communicate, individuals still recommend companies WeChat. This software is not only easier to chat and chat. Users can also use this software to do some leave. In short, this software is very suitable for this software is very suitable The use of an enterprise, so you can download this software with confidence.

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Corporate WeChat

Corporate WeChat v3.1.18
