BetterWMF is a software that can copy graphics from AutoCAD to Word. Its unique feature is that it can automatically remove the annoying black background when copying, automatically trim the blank edges of graphics, automatically fill in color, and automatically convert DWG format files to WMF format.
In addition, it can scale and rotate graphics, and set different line widths for lines of different colors according to your own needs. If you are a professional cartographer, or you are an editor who needs to edit cartographic materials frequently, then BetterWMF can definitely be your first choice.
This software supports AutoCAD R14 - 2007 and AutoCAD LT 97 - LT 2007
Use the ARX or AppLoad command in AutoCAD to load the ARX file corresponding to the current ACAD version in the installation directory.
·BWMF14.ARX corresponds to AutoCAD R14
·BWMF200X.ARX corresponds to AutoCAD 2000/200i/2002
·BWMF2004.ARX corresponds to AutoCAD 2004/2005/2006
·BWMF2007.ARX corresponds to AutoCAD 2007
Different program functions are available using BCLIPBRD.EXE or ARX.
BetterWMF ARX command: BCOPYCLIP - copy to clipboard BWMFOPT - open options dialog box
BWMFOUT - Save WMF files
【How to use】
1. Drag the corresponding version of the arx file into AutoCAD and use the bcopyclip command to copy it.
2. Run BClipbrd.exe and copy it in AutoCAD
You can only choose one of the two
it works
it works
it works