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Therefore, it is time to provide the majority of Internet users with a browser that is faster, more flexible and more stable than IE. The recent launch of Google Chrome is an important step toward meeting this need, but it's not nearly there yet.
Today's Internet users need more than just a faster, more responsive and more stable browser, they need a more secure browser! In 2009 alone, more than 250,000 new pieces of malware appeared, and the number of victimized websites increased by 400%.
As the world's leading online security and online trust service provider and security technology innovation leader, Comodo has full responsibility to provide a safer browser for global Internet users, so we launched the Comodo Dragon browser, based on the Google open source project Chromium The Browser Technology browser not only completes the faster, more agile and more stable Google Browser, but also injects Comodo's unparalleled security technology and privacy protection technology, making Comodo Browser the most secure browser.
Yes, the internet has grown up. But hackers, scammers, phishers, and thieves of all kinds have also grown up. The second decade of the 21st century requires only the most secure Comodo browser
it works
it works
it works