Purchase management: Carry out product purchase and warehousing, purchase returns, purchase/return documents and current inventory inquiries, and account transactions with suppliers.
Sales management: Carry out product sales, customer returns, sales/return documents and current inventory inquiries, and account transactions with customers.
Inventory management: including the transfer of goods between inventories, reporting of losses and overflows of goods, powerful inventory counting functions, and alarm inquiries for goods in stock.
Statistical report: Complete statistical query function, each receipt and payment of each document can be clearly reflected.
Daily management: comprehensive management of suppliers, customers, and salespeople, daily income and expenditure management, customer loan bad debt management, and contract management.
Basic settings: Settings of basic parameters such as product information, suppliers, customers, employees, and warehouses.
System maintenance: setting operators and permissions, data backup, data recovery, data compression, and data cleaning.
it works
it works
it works