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Internet Explorer 8 is the latest version of the familiar web browser you're familiar with, helping you get whatever you need from the web faster and easier while providing greater privacy than previous versions. and security protection.
Faster Internet Explorer 8 is more responsive to new pages and tabs, opening content quickly and reliably. Now you can get to the information you care about most in fewer steps; your Web mail, favorite news sites, or other online services are just a click away.
More Convenience Reduce the steps to complete many common tasks and get real-time information updates automatically. Track information about your favorite sports teams, news, and weather with just one click.
Privacy Help protect your private and confidential information from revealing the places you visit on the web.
Security Helps protect and prevent malware from invading your PC and makes it easier to detect phishing websites when you encounter them.
Supported operating systems: Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows Vista Service Pack 1
it works
it works
it works