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Location: front page————iOS software————Software application————Social chat ———— South Audience Alumnihui
South Audience Alumnihui

South Audience Alumnihui

QR code
  • Software authorization: Free software
  • Software size: 28.2 MB
  • Software score:
  • Software type: Domestic software
  • Update time: 2018-05-16
  • Application platform: iOS
  • Software language: Chinese
  • Version:

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Basic profile
Logo, the head of the alumni section of the South Audit,
Introduction to Nanjing Audit University Alumni Information Smart Platform, based on the construction of integrated information service platform, is a platform for comprehensive understanding of alumni information, a bridge between schools and alumni, and an important medium for alumni to give back to the school. Provide dynamic collection, change management, information statistics and other alumni data management of alumni data to maximize the integrity and accuracy of alumni data; provide practical functions such as alumni registration, corresponding class, additional branch, address book, alumni communication and other practical functions; expand the alumni meeting The coverage and influence in alumni.

Common problem

South Audience Alumnihui

South Audience Alumnihui
