Plug-in features:
Mix colors with masks (save important file space and avoid the need to update masks)
Color masks (visually select colors and/or brightness)
Local contrast enhancement (brings more details easily and automatically)
Live Masks (check it out now and try different masks)
Custom brightness mask presets
Accurately detailed area masks
Region and range picker (click on the image to visualize selecting the correct mask)
"Lighter/darker" mask (selects pixels relative to surrounding pixels)
Masks that improve specific locations or colors in an image
Group Masks (Combine group masks to save space and see exactly what is masked)
Split screen to view masks and images simultaneously
Blended Exposures Automatically stack, align and sequence exposures
Custom vignette
Burn and Lighten
Saturation Mask (color-specific vibrance control)
Apply or replace a mask on an existing layer with a click
Brightness and dust visualization tools to easily find and fix defects
Advanced sharpening methods for portraits (surface blur) and landscapes (high contrast preservation)
Quick access to training and support videos (via "Tutorials" button)
Installation method:
Installation: Unpack the compressed file to the panel installation directory (two directories: com.lumenzia.ext and com.lumenziabasics.ext)
it works
it works
it works