- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
This software can inject DLL into other programs to realize our customized extended functions.
Function description:
This program can list the processes in the system and display the process path and process ID.
This program can inject DLLs into the listed processes.
This program can uninstall DLL injected in the process.
When this program injects a DLL into the process, it will execute an exported function without parameters.
When this program unloads the Dll into the process, it will execute a parameterless export function.
Known issues:
Unable to list protected processes.
Unable to inject and unexject DLLs into protected processes.
Unable to load and unload. Net managed assembly.
Note: This program uses remote thread injection and may be intercepted by 360. But there is an official guarantee. No viruses at all. and third-party advertising.
it works
it works
it works