- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
- Green versionCheck
Usage help:
1. Apply for a new QQ (only for shutdown).
2. New QQ System Settings - Friends and Chat - General - Allow automatic pop-up windows when incoming messages (selected).
3. Add your frequently used QQ as friends.
4. Hang up the newly applied QQ on the computer.
5. When you need to remotely shut down, run the program, fill in your commonly used QQ nickname in the QQ nickname (preferably copy it), click Start to use your commonly used QQ on your mobile phone to send any messages to the new QQ on the computer. message, the computer will hang up the network and then shut down.
This program was tested under QQ2011 and XP and is valid. It doesn’t matter the version of mobile QQ, webqq can also be used.
it works
it works
it works